Executive Dashboards
Zoho Executive Dashboards
Do you have the right data to know how to lead your company effectively?
Technology is great, but only if it is put to work making things easier for you. Otherwise it becomes an overwhelming source of information without any way to filter what you need to know and what is just background noise. With ZBrains’ Zoho Executive Dashboard you can turn all that white noise information into hard data points that help give you as a leader visibility into the decisions you need to make on a daily basis.
Let ZBrains develop and customize the dashboard to reflect your personal preferences and make it specific to your business and industry, ensuring it is reflective of your vision. Get ahead of the information curve and your competitors with better decisions based on better information.
Do you know your key KPIs? Zoho Executive Dashboards can help
KPIs (or, key performance indicators) are general guide points that allow business owners, managers and leaders make effective decisions. However if you have not established what the most important KPIs are to you and your business ZBrains can help with that process too, ensuring the right information is included in your Zoho Executive Dashboard. These KPIs are so important not only to provide the right information for daily decisions but also because they provide a way to recognize trends early ensuring you keep ahead of your competition.
Zoho Executive Dashboards generate reports whenever you need them
Accurate and efficient reporting can literally be what makes your company profitable or cause its ultimate failure if you cannot see the information you need when you need to make these executive decisions. Managing essential reporting should not take a department of staff dedicated to analyzing reports and information anymore. By building a better Executive Dashboard with ZBrains you can ensure all the reporting is done accurately, giving you the power to make informed decisions instantly. With a dashboard that also gives you flexibility in the parameters, layout and visual design you want gives you want you need in information without overloading you with information you do not need.
How long does it take your company to turn a Lead into Cash?
Understanding the pain points in your own business will help you streamline your sales process and turn profits quicker, essentially increasing revenue and profit margins. This needs to a constant evaluation that many owners or managers cannot make because the information is not accurate or available in a timely manner. With Zbrains’ Zoho Executive Dashboard, this information is given in easy to see and instant data
points with Lead-to-Cash reports.
This critical information identifies trends in your company that may be holding back sales or identify better profit margin products or services that you should maybe spend more of your time developing instead of lesser profit generators.
Is history informing you about your future?
Understanding where your sales history was will also help determine where it is heading through effective trend analysis. Being able to drill down through sales figures effectively can also help you understand where your figures are coming from. Vital information is only useful if it is the right information. Too much of unimportant information can also cause you to lose sight of your sales vision and goals.
Get a Zoho Executive Dashboard custom integration and automation from ZBrains to help you get the right information when you need it to make the right decisions – and, get our one-of-a-kind Zoho consultants and Zoho support team on your side to boot.
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