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Zoho Projects


Zoho Projects


With Zoho Projects you can plan, track and collaborate with your team members to deliver small tasks or large projects. Find out why Zoho Projects is the preferred project management app of more than a million users today.


Planning & Collaboration with Zoho Projects

Planning projects and collaborating with other team members remotely can be difficult, but very crucial for many businesses. Luckily, Zoho Projects makes it easy to get everybody on the same page by enabling you to import documents from various applications such as Microsoft Office, Open Office, Photoshop, PDF and ZIP files. If you want to take it a step farther you can even create intranet pages, or wiki pages where team members can create, share and respond to project­related content such as documents, spreadsheets, presentations, video clips, etc. With Zoho’s drag and drop tools you should have no problems building and updating your own customized page in minutes.

If discussion is what you need, Zoho Projects provides message boards where you can create your own thread to post topics, spark conversations, and encourage collaboration. If you want to keep the conversation going while it’s hot you can even create chat rooms where you can invite team members of your company. The built­in chat feature lets everyone come together to discuss important topics, share ideas and resolve problems…in real­time. No need for additional app installation as Zoho Projects includes the chat feature, and the best part is, the entire transcript is saved so team members can go back later to review the conversation if necessary.

When project planning, setting milestones, task lists, and tasks can help you easily break down long and complicated projects into easily manageable chunks. Want to dive deeper within a task? Get tighter control with subtasks, recurring tasks, and dependencies. Want an overall view of the big picture? Gantt charts can provide you with detailed visuals on the progress of your tasks in comparison to what was originally planned. Zoho Reports also includes resource allocation charts that let you know who is free, who is engaged, and who is overloaded. Balance workloads, track project completion, and deliver projects on time even if you’re team is working remotely.


Zoho Projects for Project Management

Zoho Projects provides a very intuitive web interface that allows you to define task lists, tasks, and set dependencies. Help your team stay organized and never miss a deadline! Milestones let you organize your projects better by allow you to arrange them in order of importance or project flow. This lets you take full control of progress by giving you a clear picture of key deliverables and the order they need to be delivered in. Zoho Projects helps keep you manage efficiently and effectively by showing you what needs to be done, by when, and by whom. Keep your projects on track by balancing workloads to maximize quality and productivity while centralizing management and access.

Task dependency view helps the team get a bird’s eye view of dependent tasks with details like who is responsible for what tasks, what tasks are dependent on each other, and when the tasks need to be completed within the project timeline. Zoho Projects can help you break bigger tasks into smaller and more manageable chunks with subtasks.

Need a better way to visualize the workflow? No problem, Zoho Projects provides Kanban cards. Tasks are arranged in columns based on status such as ‘To­Do,’ ‘In Progress’ and ‘Complete’ so every team member knows what’s required of them and in what time frame they need to have their portion completed.


Zoho Projects has Timesheets

Make accounting easier by having all individuals working on projects log their billable and non- billable hours right into the Zoho platform. Timesheets can record the start and end date of tasks to help you track the cost and time spent on particular parts of a project. Set timers for your tasks, and once you stop the timers, the entries for duration of time spent are automatically logged in your timesheets. Timers assist greatly in calculating the actual working hours a project consumed. If you need it Zoho Projects contains a detailed breakdown of all tasks completed throughout the duration of each project. In addition, you’ll be given the option to log time daily or weekly based on the type of project.

Establish an approval process and billing status for timesheets. Be sure to select a default billing status for your entries before you log time. You can also establish an approval process for your entries so that it is easier to filter and then view approved and unapproved entries. WIth a single click you can send your clients, project managers, or stakeholders, timesheet reports in regards to specific projects so they can see what work has been completed. With all the timesheets logged in your system, you can choose to view reports based on users, billing, or a particular window of dates. Once you’ve viewed your reports you can choose to export all your timesheet data as xls, csv, or PDF files.


Zoho Projects Integrates with Zoho Invoice

The built in integration with Zoho Invoice (a separate app) automatically generates invoices using the logged timesheets. So if you want to streamline that process for accounting, be sure to checkout the Zoho Invoice application as well. Zoho Projects offers time tracking functionalities that streamline the performance of a project, calculates task time, and exports timesheet data in the desired format while sending invoices for payments using Zoho Invoice. You can load all your timesheet data into Zoho Invoice by clicking the Create Invoice option.


Zoho Projects Integrates with Zoho Reports

Zoho Reports is Zoho’s advanced analytics and business intelligence app which can pull data and help clearly map data visually. The integration with Zoho Projects provides in depth insights on your team’s progress and can help turn your data into actionable insights. Zoho Reports gives you the bigger picture with an insightful and customizable dashboard. You can effortlessly create a wide array of reports such as project status, burn down charts, hours utilized, and planned vs actual reports that help teams connect the dots and put those project insights into action.

Cut up the data how you want and visually analyze and build insightful reports with Zoho’s drag- and­drop interface. Get familiar with the key performance indicators that are most important to you and proactively manage project execution. Don’t want to log in every morning to view reports? You can even schedule your reports to be emailed to you automatically every morning.

For full Zoho consulting to go with support of your Projects app, just call (888) 207-4111.