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Zoho Creator custom solutions for your business

Zoho Creator – Build Custom Business Solutions

One of the most exciting things about the world of software today is how easy it is to do, well… anything. Computers are doing things today that we previously wouldn’t have even dreamed of, and, in doing so, opening our minds up to even more possibilities and, thankfully, giving us the tools to see those possibilities come to fruition before our very eyes – and keyboards. Tech giants like Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft are typically thought of as the forerunners in software innovation, but… what about you? You probably have all kinds of ideas about how to make your own business run more smoothly, and, if you’re reading this blog post, you’ve likely started your foray into Zoho and its suite of apps. So, what about all the things you want to do that Zoho’s standard apps just can’t do for you? Zoho Creator, as Zoho Corporation’s platform as a service (similar to, is Zoho’s answer to nearly any gap you might come across, and then some.

Empower Innovation with Zoho Creator

How exactly will those tools help? To get you (or your Zoho consultant of choice) started, here are 4 ways Zoho Creator fills gaps in your business processes and generally makes life better.

Zoho Creator

Functionality and Mobility

Creator makes it easy for you to build custom applications for your business to automate your business process and reduce your workload. With its drag-and-drop interface, you don’t need to a be a programmer to build applications. Manage your data and collaborate with your colleagues using app-level and form-level sharing, and even give clients access to certain records or data with the client portal add-on. You can also stay connected with Creator’s native mobile apps, which allow you to take your data everywhere.

Gain actionable insights with custom reporting

With Zoho Creator you can create custom charts and generate reports with variables as you see fit for your business. Gain actionable insights through Creator by easily identifying trends or by setting benchmarks. These insights can be followed up by automated actions which can be easily set up. You can trigger these actions to occur based on different contexts – for example, send out an email to customers based on where they are in your order process. Reporting in Zoho Creator allows you to see business information with context and optimize your potential with meaningful data.

Simplify your day with automation

Save time with built-in workflows. Trigger actions based on customer information or actions, and map the information in the database. Using conditional statements and built-in functions you can configure approval systems and define rules for processes, allowing you full control over it all. You can also set up notifications, reminders, and schedule tasks through Creator to avoid delays and ensure your customers are happy.

Integration is key

Zoho Creator connects with standard Zoho apps with relative ease; it also connects to other Creator apps.  This opens up realms of possibilities like connecting various ERP apps into an ERP suite on Zoho, then connecting that to your Zoho CRM.

When it comes to building an application for your business, it is important that it can integrate with your other business apps to ensure that you are receiving all the necessary data. Zoho Creator integrates with several apps including Zoho apps, Google apps, QuickBooks Desktop and Online, and PayPal. Creator makes data collection easy, and you don’t have to worry about manually inputting data.

Zoho Creator starts at $15 per user per month*, which is a great deal. Save time and money by creating a custom application for your business needs. *Pricing updated June 2021

Did that get the innovation juices flowing? Or, just interested in learning more? Contact a member of our team today!

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