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Category : Success Stories

ZBrains Magento Integration for Zoho

Zoho & Magento Integration: Improving Business & Sales

ZBrains Magento Integration for Zoho Makes Order Management Easier

Zoho CRM is known for its ability to connect multiple aspects of running a business and ultimately employ more automations and integrations. The result is more time for you to do what you do best: run your company. However, sometimes there are gaps between the software you use and the Zoho CRM suite of applications. The ZBrains Magento Integration for Zoho is a perfect example of that, chock-full of significant value. At its core, the most noteworthy benefits of this integration are:

  • Syncing customers with account or contacts
  • Syncing products and inventory
  • Syncing orders and shipments

Streamline Inventory, Products, Shipments, and Customers

We crafted this integration to give business owners greater control and ultimately improve how their business operates. Among the most integral improvements: enhanced reporting through the integration can increase sales, improve delivery time responses, and enable the sales team to sell more accurately with up-to-date inventory. The result? No more combing through your product listings on the website with a fine-tooth comb to confirm sufficient inventory! Updates are made automatically, ensuring your entire team is on the same page.

Common Use Cases for the ZBrains Magento Integration for Zoho

Let’s take a look at three of the most common use cases for the Magento integration:

1. Zoho CRM + Magento (Sales+Operations)

Businesses that use both Zoho CRM and Magento are likely to encounter many head-scratching moments when the two programs fail to effectively communicate. Without a direct connection between the two, you are forced to take multiple steps to sync the information you need. Fortunately, our integration fills this gap, combining the two components. Data integration lets you use Magento for fulfillment while tapping into useful Zoho applications such as Zoho Desk and Zoho Projects.

2. Sales + Magento (Sales)

Other companies are organized without Zoho CRM, relying instead a traditional Sales team equipped with Magento. In this scenario, you are forced to couple the data gathered from the Sales team with information stored on Magento before migrating all of that into Zoho CRM. The key takeaway here is that our integration takes care of that extra manual step to allow all three processes to work in harmony.

3. Zoho + Magento + QuickBooks (Finance Department)

A popular arrangement companies use is a three-pronged approach: Zoho, Magento, and QuickBooks. For example, orders are processed in Magento, approved in Zoho, and the financial details are then synced with QuickBooks.

Our integration effectively eliminates the need for manual input of customer information into QuickBooks, saving your finance department valuable time and effort.

4. Executive Team Benefits

The beauty of this integration is that it benefits so many parts of a company, not least of which is the executive team. But Executive team members and CEOs do not have the luxury of combing through all the details of the business process. Our integration provides the logistics and data in real time to better pinpoint where a problem is impeding the workflow. For example, correcting a delay in shipping by using a different supplier, or ensuring a seasonal sale is properly noted on the website and during sales calls.

Whether you are the CEO of a small business or part of a seasoned executive team, our Magento Integration ensures you see the big picture while also granting access to the vital details that make up your business process.

Additional Benefits of the ZBrains Magento Integration

Our Magento Integration for Zoho saves time and avoids headaches all over your company. It streamlines the checkout process, allowing you to perform checkout both through the Magento store and offline. In addition to saving past orders, your sales team can manage customers and orders through Zoho rather than logging into a Magento admin panel. We developed this integration as a bridge among systems; a unified path of information to benefit you and your employees. It eliminates context switching and manual input. Plus, it gives your Sales team a tool to access data in real time and generate more business.

Magento is not without its own flaws, as evidenced by this list, but when used correctly and in conjunction with Zoho, your business can truly succeed.

In the end, whether you are a Magento user curious about the benefits of Zoho or a Zoho fan looking to connect the dots of your company, we at ZBrains can help. Magento and Zoho are both valuable parts of any business owner’s arsenal, and we make sure they work together. Learn about our other integrations, such as QuickBooks, and Google Drive.

Team members gather to discuss the benefits of job costing

Maximizing Profits: How Job Costing Solutions and Zoho ERP Can Help

Zoho ERP with ZBrains Job Costing Extension: Advantages

zoho erp job costing

Job costing is a phenomenal way for businesses owners to stay on top of their finances and ensure they are on budget across all projects. The ZBrains Zoho Job Costing Appbuilt by our Zoho Creator experts, offers businesses of varying industries a pathway towards greater financial management and allocation of resources. When performed correctly, job costing ensures employees are being utilized smartly. Traditionally, job costing is associated with manufacturing and construction companies. However,  service companies (law firms, accounting businesses, and private investment companies) also have a lot to gain from this application. Plus, medical services businesses, film studios, and retail companies likewise can utilize job costing to great effect.

Streamline Workflow: Quotes, Proposals, and Planning Made Easy

Companies often rely on multiple software platforms to track expensesThe Advantages of Using Zoho ERP with the ZBrains Job Costing Extension and coordinate their budget planning.  The beauty of our job costing app is having all your data conveniently housed in one place. Want to adjust a proposal to include more line items within a single deal? Done. Looking to monitor the work load for multiple employees? You got it. This application takes all expenses into account, including labor, materials, and employee wages, to give you an accurate picture of your business as a whole. Planning for the future is easier with Zoho Job Costing as a result, because you can see the true cost of every job. For a great job costing example, see this job costing example.

Organize your Team and their Individual Workflows

[caption id="attachment_3417" align="alignright" width="500"]zoho erp job costing workflow Photo Credit: Stand With Main Street[/caption]

Any great manager can speak to the difficulty of monitoring multiple team members at once, and this app significantly eases that process. See where your efforts are pointed, and re-assign team members as needed. Perhaps you have a go-to worker for smaller, short window projects and another ace in the hole for complex, longer term projects — the job costing module lets you track their progress and add to their plates as you see fit. Another aspect to consider is the speed of a worker compared to another. This job costing app enables you to assign a junior employee to a lower priority project and a senior specialist to a project that needs to be completed as quickly as possible.

Optimize your Business Strategy

As with any great tool, the way you use it determines how much value you extract from it. So it is with the job costing module: when used to its full potential business owners can see how their resources are being utilized. For example, maybe there is an uptick in jobs requiring stone, or a decline in jobs requiring lumber. With the job costing module you can take stock of your resources and adjust as needed. This makes life easier for you and your employees and helps you avoid resource shortages and surpluses alike. Job costing is but one element, one spoke in the wheel that is Zoho ERP Software, which helps your business sync with inventory, order management, and financial data.

zoho erp job costing integration

Zoho integration: The ultimate advantage

Above all else, the reason you’ll want to consider the Zoho Job Costing tool we’ve developed is its deep integration with Zoho CRM.  By using our Zoho integration and allowing the two systems to communicate, you’ll be opening your employees’ eyes to a much easier method of calculating job costs.  Integration allows for data to be synced between systems at the very least, eliminating double-entry.  And, at most, you could even access the Zoho Creator Job Costing module from inside the CRM, for a truly unified user experience.

If you have questions about this Job Costing module, another Zoho Creator app in our arsenal, or anything related to CRM or Zoho customization, we’re happy to lend you an ear.  Contact us today and a certified Zoho consultant will get back to you as quickly as possible.

ZBrains Solves Problems

How ZBrains Solves Problems and Provides Solutions

When searching for a partner, whether a marketing agency, software consultancy or strategic contractor, there are three key areas of consideration – expertise, impact and efficiency. Regardless of the type of vendor or partner, every company or contractor your business partners with should focus solving problems and providing the solutions you need. As one of Zoho’s top US partners, we are proud to do just that – ZBrains solves problems, and we consistently provide solutions. We focus on generating ROI and impacting revenue for every single one of our clients.

When we first meet with potential clients, we often hear the same five pain points (so, if you’re reading this and you feel one of the below, you’re not alone):

    • “Our team doesn’t have time for X”
    • “Our team is so busy doing Y”
    • “Data is spread across so many pieces of software”
    • “We need education on X and Y”
    • “We have experienced massive growth, but we need something scalable”

These are the problems we hear, and these are the solutions we solve.

But, how do we as consultants truly find solutions for our clients? In this blog, we’ll take you through four solutions we use for clients across a plethora of industries and verticals. This will help you and your team consider pivots in process, planning and strategy as we move into the year ahead.

Here are four ways ZBrains solves problems and provides solutions.

1. We focus on bridging the gap.

As consultants, we truly focus on bridging the gap between business needs and technology solutions through open collaboration and business process analysis with our clients. We are focused on on enabling your business to make smart technology investments, improve practices, and save time and money. Your in-house team might be comfortable with certain processes over the years – yet, as a Zoho partner, we can provide a different view and a new spectrum of expertise that can be applied on bridging certain gaps in processes and efficiencies. We practice the ‘connector’ approach – if our clients have a pain or need, we provide the solution – bridging the gap between the two, and taking you through every single step of the way.

2. We focus on reducing costs and becoming more efficient.

When planning budgets, especially as companies reach year-end, reducing costs is often key to success. While increasing revenue is the favorable choice for any business in any industry, becoming more efficient is often the key driver to impacting the bottom line.

Whether it’s through software or business process, we bring consultation and expertise to the table – and work with you to provide measurable impacts to your team. Instead of telling us what you need, we become part of your team, offering a consultative approach every step of the way. We are always learning from our clients’ successes and challenges, which is why we ensure that every project is better than the last.

3. We are always innovating.

Have you seen the integrations and add-ons we provide? We are proud to have a team of developers and strategists who are focused on solving any problem that comes our way – seriously, any problem. We’re created add-ons for calendar scheduling, invoice and proposal management, integrations for services like Slack, and so much more. If you have a challenge, ZBrains solves problems and provides solutions.

4. We work with every level of management.

Working with executives is different from working with mid-management – we get that. Executives see things differently from mid-management – they look at data from a 40,000 foot view, whereas mid-management are in the trenches, making changes to tactics and pulling levers to generate results. This is exactly we why provide reporting solutions for executives, while developing apps and integration for mid-management.

At ZBrains, we are proud to be a leader in experience and industry knowledge with Zoho, CRM management, business processes and integrated solutions. As we are planning ahead for 2018, we are excited at the road ahead and can’t wait to bring on new clients to our team – our ZBrains family. ZBrains solves problems and provides solutions every single step of the way – and we’re ready to do it for you!

launch zoho crm

Zoho CRM Tutorial: Launch CRM in 2 Days and Streamline Sales

When hiring a new vendor or signing a contract with a software company, there can be feelings of both excitement and fear – excitement at the opportunity to have such a solution make your life easier, and fear at the concern that launching such a service or platform might take hours upon hours to get off the ground. Well, we’re here to tell you that when it comes to Zoho, you can launch Zoho CRM in as little as two days. Yes, you read that right. Two days.

How can we make this happen? Because here at ZBrains, we have the magic formula to launch your CRM quickly and efficiently – simply because we’ve done it hundreds and hundreds of times for our clients.

Zoho CRM Tutorial: Four Easy Steps to Launch Zoho CRM in Two Days

1. Plan.

During the planning stage, it is important to define your sales and overall business process, with both the data and actions at each stage of your sales process. Your sales manager and lead sales people should know this process like the back of their hand – they just need to put it on paper.

For example, consider the following:

  • What happens when a lead comes through your website?
  • Who should be on the initial introduction call?
  • What are the steps you need to take when a prospect turns into an opportunity or proposal?
  • Who signs off on a won deal?

You certainly have all of this information in your head – your team simply needs to integrate such plans into documents.

2. Specification.

Once you have documented your sales process, you should convert your process into a specification document, which lists each field by module, action, trigger, and user. Start with all the standard fields in Zoho CRM, then add your own custom fields, as well as remove the fields you’re not going to use from your specification document. Go through this process a few times as you’re specifying just to ensure that you haven’t missed a step. It always helps to document in the initial planning and specification stage as much as possible.

3. Build.

Now is the time to build and customize your CRM from your specification document. Granted, if your process involves custom programming, or if you don’t have any of the content, it might take a longer than 2 days to build, but just to get started, 90% of companies do not need custom programming for their sales process.

But that’s just an aside. Building the process and framework typically takes two days alone – and remember, you can always customize as your team learns and adapts the Zoho CRM platform.

Which brings us to…

4. Train.

After the system is actually built, you should conduct a Zoho training session with your users, as well as help them get acquainted with the new system. We always recommend recording training sessions as much as possible, so that your team can go back and re-watch after your official training sessions are held.

If your team is wondering how long an implementation process takes, you can rest knowing that the response is two days. To launch Zoho CRM within this timeframe takes into account that your team has come to the initial planning meeting with an idea of the sales process and other marketing content that is available. All information is good information! We can turn this into actionable strategy and tactics for your team while using Zoho CRM.