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Category : Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM Blueprint – The Blueprint to Sales Success

Zoho CRM Blueprint – The Blueprint to Sales Success

Hello, everyone!  This is the second post in a series on the latest new offerings in the realm of Zoho CRM.  Zoho has chosen to focus heavily on sales automation for this round of upgrades, and with good reason: as CRM is the most expensive and arguably most important Zoho offering, Zoho wants to ensure you get the most bang for your buck.  These new offerings are only available with Zoho CRM Enterprise (and now Zoho One), so the powers that be really want to entice you to use that version of the software.  And, for good reason – it’s already the best version of the system.  So, without further ado, let’s talk Zoho CRM Blueprint.

(You can find the first post of the series on Zia, the AI-powered sales tool, right here.)

I say Blueprint, you say…

When someone mentions a blueprint to you, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

Probably a plan to build a house or other structure, but it isn’t a full rendering.  Really more like a cross section showing all the walls, windows, and beyond… The guts of the edifice, where the wires and pipes go, the lighting fixtures – everything.

And so it is with your sales cycle, in a manner of speaking.  Even if you don’t see everything at once.

See, sometimes your salespeople need a blueprint to get from A to B.  Obviously they know how to sell, but, especially in today’s technology-driven work environment, outside stimuli are everywhere.  And, it can be easy to get distracted and lose focus.

So, wouldn’t it be nice if your salespeople had a blueprint, a sort of road map to get where they need to go, in terms of sales?

Obviously this is all a little abstract, but I’m hoping you’re with me so far!  This is Zoho CRM Blueprint:

zoho crm blueprint

What we essentially have here is a literal blueprint to success for your sales team.  This document has a few different color-coded blocks: White rectangles correspond to stages in the Deals module, while the gold parallelograms correspond to potential actions your salespeople can take in relation to those stages.

Now, ordinarily, your sales staff might have deal stages in front of them and just be expected to follow up with clients on a schedule, moving the deals stages accordingly when appropriate.  But, that isn’t always enough to ensure success, as general instructions aren’t always clear.  Even if you or your Zoho consultant of choice have set up workflow rules for your sales staff to let them know what tasks they need to carry out in relation to a deal, salespeople still have to access the task and click “complete.”  Zoho CRM Blueprint takes this routine a step further, making it possible to complete tasks directly from the Deal screen and giving those tasks a wider context from which salespeople can view them and understand exactly where they are in the sales cycle.

Zoho CRM blueprint allows for setting simple instructions, as the illustration above shows: Start.  Schedule Appointment.  Qualify.  And so on.  Like a Zoho training session, but better.

Drawing up your Zoho CRM Blueprint

Unlike conventional blueprints, using Zoho CRM blueprint doesn’t require the use of drafting programs to really nail down – in fact, you don’t even really need a steady hand.  It really is as easy as creating deal stages, creating per-deal tasks for salespeople (called “transitions”), connecting the dots, and doing a little drag-and-drop.  Observe:

zoho crm blueprint

You can give conditions to Zoho CRM Blueprint transitions, too.

Part of drawing up your sales process involves setting parameters, and of course you’ll want to make sure everyone is on the same page.  You can use these parameters to ensure that, for example, contracts are closed within a certain window of time, or that your sales staff doesn’t go crazy with giving out discounts.  When your sales team goes to complete a transition, they’ll see an additional dialog box if you choose to add one asking for some details:

zoho crm blueprint

Not only does this keep your sales team in line with your company vision, but it gives you even more data with which to build reports and gauge the health of your company.  For example, with the data collected from this dialog box to the right, you’ll be able to determine the average discount rate given by all sales team members, the average discount given by salesperson, and of course the amount of time taken to close a deal by salesperson and on the whole, if you aren’t already collecting that data elsewhere.

Thankfully, Zoho CRM anticipates this is just what you’ll be doing and created a screen just for drilling down into this data.  Kinda makes me want to go in and start playing with it right now… Either that or make some sales; I haven’t quite decided yet.

zoho crm blueprint

How do these Blueprints fit into Zoho’s ultimate vision for the CRM?

Again, Zoho’s game as of late seems to be taking the sales process and automating as much of it as humanly possible, so after implementation you hardly have to touch it at all.  After all, why spend any time thinking of what to do to improve sales processes if a machine can analyze your behavior and tell you exactly what works and what doesn’t?  Why fret over which tasks to complete in what order if you can have the Zoho CRM blueprint right in front of you?  Of course, Zoho recognizes that less time spent thinking means more time spent doing actual work, and since, barring your deftly-worded phone conversations, sales procedures themselves don’t tend to be all that individualized – that is, they tend to fit right onto a blueprint.

Look!  Blueprint is now a component of Zoho Desk, too

zoho desk blueprint

Zoho has added blueprint functionality to Zoho Desk, which means you can give your support agents the same daily structure you give to your sales team.  It also means you get all the same reports for your help desk that you do for your sales team, from time spent per transition to time spent on each blueprint itself.  And that, in turn, lets you analyze your weak points and work to eliminate bottlenecks in your process.

Hungry for more?

Well, that makes at least two of us.  I can’t wait to see what else Zoho has in store in terms of sales automation.  The very prospect is a little mind-boggling: someone had to design the sales process itself, but once it’s committed to the blueprint and you have a dedicated staff to carry it out, it arguably runs itself.

Stay tuned for more updates like these, and let me know if you have any questions by clicking the link below this post!



Zoho’s Zia: AI-Powered Assistant for CRM Sales

Howdy, you zany, tech-minded readers.  This blog’s been a little quiet lately… and, rather than bore you with my very personal story of wearing 19 different hats, solving global hunger, and curing cancer, I figure I should just get down to business and tell you about some new Zoho offerings, as that is what I seem to do best.  So, without further ado, let’s talk about Zoho’s newest addition to the CRM: Zia.

Zoho CRM is getting even better

zoho crm zia

Zoho has, in fact, been just as busy developing new product extensions as we’ve been over here helping Zoho users.  Their last big CRM update was almost a year ago, in June 2016, when they came out with the new UI, so I suppose they were due for an update.  (Zoho doesn’t seem to be able to fathom letting most apps stagnate for more than a year.)  This round of new additions certainly did not disappoint.  This blog post will cover one of those updates, while some of the next blog posts I write will cover the others.

So, this Zia.  What is it, exactly, and why is it here?

Zia: Like having a business coach right at your desk

zoho crm zia

Zia is a nifty little widget that sits right in the lower right corner of your CRM (if you’re using Enterprise edition, that is) and gathers information about how you use the CRM.  That’s everything from how many tasks you complete (and their types) and which records you interact with, to what emails and templates you’re sending out to your prospects and clients.  Zoho’s AI tool then delivers predictions about how well you’re going to be doing, sales-wise, not only to individual users, but to team leaders as well.

Zia also points out anomalies with special Zoho CRM screens

One important part of forecasting sales is pinpointing aberrations in your trends and finding out just why they occur.  Zia can hopefully help you prevent these weird glitches entirely with the helpful tips, but, if she doesn’t (yes, it’s a she – Zoho told me so), she provides extra screens with charts to help you visualize sales trends versus actual figures.  Pretty neat.

zoho crm zia

But, where else can we find Zia inside Zoho CRM?

Zia isn’t limited to just a few screens and a lower-right widget.  Truth be told, you can find her in every lead or contact you’ve reached out to in the form of SalesSignals, a real-time recommendation as to the best time to call someone.

[caption id="attachment_2411" align="alignleft" width="168"]zoho crm zia Hm, looks like I missed my mark today.[/caption]

And furthermore, Zia will even politely interrupt you after seeing you’ve performed a particularly rudimentary task over and over again, asking if you want to create a macro that simply does that task for you.

So, if it isn’t abundantly clear why you should use Zia, this is the gist:

  1. Zia sees where you’re spending time doing tasks and helps to automate them.
  2. She sees when you’re contacting people, when you’re having the most success, then generates suggestions about how to duplicate that success.
  3. Zia notices anomalies in your forecasting and offers suggestions about how to rectify those before they become realities.

Basically, it’s like having a coach right there at your desk to help you use the CRM.  Not a bad deal, as the price of Enterprise hasn’t gone up…but, you might just want to upgrade to that version if you aren’t on it yet!

Still need some help with Zoho CRM?

Did you just upgrade to Enterprise edition and get confused by the array of new features, including Zia or Blueprint?  Or, are you a new Zoho user looking for some expert Zoho consulting?  Just contact us using the button below this blog post and we’ll get back to you ASAP.



Migrating from Salesforce to Zoho: 3 Essential Tips

zoho crm salesforce data migration

Lately, we’ve been getting a good number of questions about moving from Salesforce to Zoho CRM: namely, questions about migrating data between the two platforms.

I’m talking about things like:

  1. Does it all transfer from system to system the right way, or do things get lost in translation?
  2. Does it take a long time to do?
  3. Is it expensive?

First things first: it’s absolutely feasible to migrate data from Salesforce to Zoho, and to get your whole team on the platform.  But, the three concerns listed above are clearly important to address, and far be it from me to leave you hanging.

#1. What actually comes over in a data migration?

zoho crm salesforce data migration

Something that can really hamper you when migrating data is when information simply will not transfer from one system to another – that is, things get lost in translation.  At best, this leads to loads of manual entry after the big move; at worst, you’ll permanently lose valuable information about your clients and the overall health and history of your business.

This factor alone can sometimes keep people on a CRM that no longer suits them – and, in the case of staying on Salesforce, this can mean keeping a system that’s too complicated and has low user adoption, a system that’s too expensive to be a wise choice for your business.

Thankfully, there’s one important point to consider: Zoho CRM’s data import tool is able to read the metadata of records exported from Salesforce.  That means you’re able to keep all your notes and other auxiliary data attached to individual records, and that you don’t lose a bit of your past history.  (It’s important not to use the API data migration tool if you want to keep your metadata.)

#2. How long does it take to go from Salesforce to Zoho?

zoho salesforce data migration

It goes without saying that time is of the essence in the business world.  Projects taking too long – even data migration or CRM platform migration projects – can be relegated to the back burner if the project manager knows they will take too long for the company to carry out and not be totally messed up for days on end.  Sometimes, these projects are simply never completed, and the business isn’t able to move on from a system that’s outlived its usefulness – even if it’s something robust like Salesforce.

Zoho Corporation offers a data migration service of their own but with one caveat: it can take up to several weeks to complete.  Even for the price point ($100), not many companies can afford to be in limbo between systems for that long – and, for those in a hurry, it won’t do at all.

Fortunately, Zoho CRM’s built-in tool for migrating data helps immensely with this with its ultra-quick migration time.  Even for many modules and thousands of records, as long as your Zoho consultant knows how to map your fields correctly, data migration only takes two days at most.  That means that portion of the project can be completed over a regular weekend.

#3. What will a Salesforce to Zoho migration cost?

zoho crm salesforce data migration

Cost is yet another factor that can put a data migration project on hold if it’s too much to bear; it’s unfortunate that halting a simple data migration project could ever come down to cost, but it does indeed happen.  ZBrains’s team of consultants can spend a weekend, or even two solid weeknights, with your data to make sure it all flows from Salesforce to Zoho, but in return the service costs more than a flat $100 fee.  (Let us know if you’d like a quote based on the number of modules you need to work with.)

If price is still an object, you might even choose to use a Zoho training session to get familiar with the ins and outs of data migration from Salesforce to Zoho CRM yourself at that point.

Still not sure how to approach migrating from Salesforce to Zoho?

If you still have questions about how this would work, don’t hesitate to contact us.  Salesforce can be quite overwrought for businesses, and we’re happy to take a look at your existing configuration and tell you what it would take to replicate your current system on Zoho – or, even improve upon it.  Contact us today and a certified Zoho consultant will get back to you within 24 hours.

Increase Zoho CRM Adoption – Use Tooltips

Zoho CRM Tooltips: the three-in-one helper that’s brand new to the CRM

If you’ve ever had to force an entire team to start using a new piece of business software, you know what a pain it can be.

zoho crm tooltips

Not only can your team not read your mind (so they just don’t know how awesome the new system is or how many hours you put into overseeing its development), but training isn’t always engaging for everyone, and sometimes people are left with questions about what to do with the array of new data entry options before them.  Not the best way to success.

zoho crm tooltips

In this breakneck-paced business world, there isn’t always time to ask questions to peers about using your new system properly, let alone flag down your supervisor for a best practices tutorial.  So, people are forced to adapt.  And, they do so – but, not always in the best way, as you find out when you run a report in your system and all the numbers are off.  You might ignore this the first time this happens, but as soon as you see it again, you know something’s amiss; you realize you can’t accurately gauge the health of your company because your staff aren’t using the new system correctly.

So, what’s a business owner to do to make sure the team stays the course and doesn’t break off into a bunch of factions using the new system improperly?

Well…there is something you can do – and, in retrospect it seems like such an obvious feature, I’m really glad Zoho Corp chose to implement it in the new Zoho CRM UI.

Introducing Zoho CRM Tooltips

zoho crm tooltips

Zoho has introduced a tooltips feature in the CRM for custom fields.  The idea here is that standard fields are all going to be pretty self-explanatory, but nonstandard or custom fields might be a little harder for your staff to grasp the meaning of, especially if you just added them yesterday and didn’t tell anyone.

Zoho CRM tooltips places a handy question mark bubble next to custom fields of your choice (the tooltips can be enabled or disabled in CRM custom fields) and allows an explanation of the custom field in question to be set.

This does a few different things for you:

  1. Reminds your team of the proper way to use your custom fields
  2. Ensures more accurate data entry for better employee record-keeping
  3. Allows for more accurate, more complete reports for executives

Of course, providing help to your team in the form of a little question-marked bubble is great, but the real end result – better insight into the health of your business – is unbeatable.  Zoho CRM tooltips is just one more reason to use the new version of CRM if you haven’t begun to already.

Psst! Need a Zoho CRM tutorial for tooltips and other Zoho best practices?

zojo crm tooltips

Zoho realizes what an issue proper system adoption can be, and to that end they’ve released a couple of gamification features: essentially, they turn using the system into a game, with points, badges, a leaderboard, and – as your game director sees fit – the possibility to win prizes.  Gamification in the form of Gamescope is a component of the new Zoho CRM and Zoho Projects; Zoho also uses the leaderboard concept and applies it to sales in general in the Zoho Motivator app.




Zoho Salesinbox Prioritizes Email

Too many emails?  Use Zoho SalesInbox to sort and prioritize them

Lately, I’ve been wanting to delve into the new Zoho CRM a little more deeply.  On the surface, the new CRM looks wonderful with its new facelift, but beneath the surface (or, with just a few mouse clicks), one can see that Zoho did much more with the new CRM than simply alter its appearance.  Next on the list of new features I really like is Zoho SalesInbox, a variation of the Zoho CRM email integration.

[caption id="attachment_2165" align="alignright" width="300"]zoho salesinbox You don’t want this.[/caption]

Zoho SalesInbox tackles a common problem with most businesspeople, especially executives: their email inboxes are filled to the brim with all manner of messages, some of them relevant, some of them very pressing, and others completely impertinent.  Having to sort through them may not take that much time, but, spend enough mental energy doing even menial tasks and you’ll soon find yourself depleted.

SalesInbox takes away a little bit of that menial thought labor by automatically sorting your emails into groups: Emails from contacts related to Deals, emails from other Leads and Contacts, emails from people not in your CRM, and emails from colleagues.

zoho salesinbox

Again, it’s only a slight reduction in work, but you’ll quickly get into the habit of scanning your screen from left to right, just like a line of text – and, you won’t be nearly as fatigued with the tedium of sifting through new messages.

Salesinbox provides cool new features to help you sort

zoho salesinbox

  1. Flag certain contacts to automatically put mail from them into a column of your choice.
  2. Flag emails from Contacts related to Deals of your choosing (for example, Deals with an amount over $10,000) so they appear in your inbox first.
  3. See how contacts have progressed through your sales funnel with at-a-glance details.

And, perhaps the best (and most obvious) feature of having a Zoho CRM email integration…

4. Automatic lead creation with the click of a button – or, with a workflow rule.

This is great if, for example, you’ve made a post in an outside forum or any other place you can’t easily insert a Zoho webform: Let clients know to email you using a certain word in the email subject line, like “quote.”  The system will create a new lead any time someone not already in your CRM uses the word “quote” in the email subject line.

Just on its own, this feature of the Zoho CRM email integration is fantastic: it effectively ends manual entry if you can tell the system your requirements for becoming a Lead.  Just imagine how much time you’d get back in your day!

Speaking of workflow rules, you can have the system remind you to work on those bigger deals when they email you.

[caption id="attachment_2168" align="alignright" width="300"]zoho salesinbox Okay, maybe overselling it, but I’ll bet this comes in the next build.[/caption]

This feature is the next-best thing to having a personal assistant: if someone you deem important emails you and you haven’t replied in a time frame you specify, the system can remind you to email those people back.

As well, you can program the system to let you know when someone else hasn’t replied to you in a while.  Maybe you’ve had a client fall through the cracks because you simply didn’t follow up as zealously as you could have… Well, that doesn’t even have to be a factor anymore.

There’s even more to Zoho SalesInbox that I haven’t covered here, so for a full breakdown I suggest taking a look at Zoho’s own article on the subject.



5 Game-Changing Features of the New Zoho CRM!

New Zoho CRM is back with a vengeance after its facelift

If you haven’t already heard about the new Zoho CRM interface and new Zoho CRM features that were all rolled out in earnest over the past few weeks, you’ve probably been living under a rock – or, you’ve just been really busy.  Don’t worry!  It happens to me, too.

Before Zoho rolled out the new UI, however, they very quietly rolled it out to their partner network so we could all become familiar with it before we started helping people build out their own systems.  And, let me tell you: it is gorgeous.  But, that’s not even what I wanted to talk about.

Zoho proves with this new iteration of their CRM that beauty is much more than skin-deep.  I’ve put together 5 ways this Zoho CRM changes the game completely – and puts you firmly in command of your system.

1. Schedule a script to run independently instead of as part of a workflow rule

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This is really nifty.  Zoho workflow automation has always been handy, but, up to this point, if you wanted the system to carry out a task for you, that task would have to be based on some other action taking place, like the creation or editing of a record.  That would make it impossible for you to run a custom script that wasn’t based on an action – like, say, to sync data from Zoho to Google Drive (or some other cloud-based system) at the end of every workday.  But, with this new capability, there’s no more limitation in that arena, and you don’t need to base a scheduled script upon performing an action!

2. Automatically trigger leads to convert based on set criteria

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Workflow rules now extend to lead conversion, so if your Lead record matches that special criteria you set for qualification, you don’t even have to press convert anymore.  For people who have hundreds of things going on – and might be prone to forgetting to convert their Leads to Potentials – this is a lifesaver, but, it’s also good for new salespeople who might not be sure what your exact lead conversion criteria are.  If you tell your CRM what those conditions are, it takes the work off your salespeople’s plates.

3. Set multiple layouts per module

zoho crm features

Have you ever wished you could add another layer of granularity to your record separation game?  With the new CRM, you can plan separate page layouts for any module in Zoho – even custom ones!  This comes in handy if, for example, you deal with multiple kinds of leads.  While you’ll want to keep track of all your sales activities, you probably won’t want to take potential partners down the same sales funnel as your regular prospects.  The new Zoho CRM allows for multiple completely custom page layouts so you can take every kind of Lead, Potential, or Account down the sales path that’s best for your business.

4. Gamify your CRM activities!

zoho crm features

Sales gamification is a great motivator, as I’ve mentioned before.  In the new Zoho CRM interface, Zoho takes the same great idea they’ve applied to Zoho Projects (and on which they developed an entire app in Zoho Motivator) and applies it to the CRM – and, as it is in Projects, it’s a great tool to drive proper use of the system.  If you don’t believe it, just imagine this: After starting a contest, all your salespeople start taking notes on pertinent records, converting Leads to Potentials, and completing tasks in the CRM… It might sound like a pipe dream, but with Gamescope for the CRM, all you have to provide is the incentive; the CRM takes care of the contest itself (and provides fun, encouraging notes to users who complete enough CRM tasks even if you don’t provide a prize to the daily victor).

5. See all dashboards in the mobile CRM app!

zoho crm features

Any mobile CRM app is a great idea: All sorts of working people benefit from accessing their database on the go, whether it’s technicians out in the field or executives looking to stay abreast of current happenings from outside the office.  But, from the Zoho CRM mobile app it wasn’t always possible to see all your custom reports dashboards in one place… And, now it is.  So, rather than have to thumb (or finger) through pages of data from a smaller screen, you can just do the same thing you’d do in the office – look at your beautiful reports and know at a glance how your business is running.

But, wait… There’s more!

zoho crm features

Zoho, the overachieving developers they are, have done much more than this in the new Zoho CRM design, so for a full breakdown I recommend taking a glance at the article Zoho put out on the subject.  Or, better still, if you aren’t using Zoho yet, sign up for a free trial.

Boost Team Motivation and Productivity with Zoho CRM Plus & Motivator

Looking at Zoho CRM Plus?  Time to get Motivated!

zoho gamification

If you’ve been putting off buying a subscription to Zoho CRM Plus because it didn’t include Zoho Motivator, you just might be in luck very soon.

In the coming months, the powers that be at Zoho Corporation may be planning to lump the sales gamification app in with its CRMPlus package, which already includes a veritable boatload of apps and features – and, at no extra charge, either.

The cool thing about Zoho Motivator is that, whereas some Zoho apps included with CRMPlus are only good for specific kinds of businesses, Motivator will improve any business that has a sales team.  It broadcasts statistics and goals on a TV monitor (which isn’t included, unfortunately), letting you know who’s in the lead.  Encouraging a little friendly competition never hurt – and, if office morale is in a little slump, you’ll be shocked at how much this little tool helps boost productivity!

zoho crm plus

Wait – What’s in Zoho CRM Plus?

Currently, CRMPlus includes Zoho CRM, your powerhouse for storing client data, especially where everyone stands in your sales cycle, as well as these apps:

  1. Zoho Campaigns – For sending out mass emails, drip marketing campaigns, and tracking open rates.  A great tool for organizing mailing lists and sending targeted content.
  2. Zoho SalesIQ – This attaches a chat bubble to your website, so you can easily engage website visitors, or leave an open line of communication for them to ping you instead.  Totally invaluable for any website meant to sell a product or educate.
  3. Zoho Social – For your social media blasts.  Social connects to Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+, allowing you to blast out your social media posts on a whim, or use the calendar feature to plan ahead and “smart” post scheduler to blast at the best times for your readership.
  4. Zoho Support – Perfect for organizations that get a lot of, well, support requests.  Your clients can use a dedicated email address, and an administrator makes sure requests are routed to the most appropriate people on your staff.  Threads can be stored and transferred to a knowledge base that other customers can look at before they write in, too.
  5. Zoho Projects – For companies with complicated projects with lots of collaboration and individual tasks, Projects is the go-to.  Administrators can invite team members to different projects, create task lists, and ensure due dates are met.  The “feeds” feature allows team members to comment on each other’s work, which helps collaboration.  Pretty great tool for the job.
  6. Zoho Reports – Takes what’s possible with CRM Analytics and expands on them further.  Unlike CRM Analytics reports, Zoho Reports allows for 3rd party integrations and much more detailed reporting.  If custom reports are your game, you’ll enjoy this app.
  7. Zoho Survey – Fine tool for customer feedback.  Survey allows for custom surveys, reporting on results, and even integration with Zoho Campaigns for even easier reporting.

So, in other words, you’re already getting a ton of bang for your buck for $69/user/month (or $57/user/month if you pay annually)*. With the addition of Zoho Motivator potentially on the horizon, you’re essentially getting another Zoho app for free.  …And, in my humble opinion, it’s one of the more useful apps, so, again, if you’re one of those folks who put off buying CRMPlus licenses for your team because you thought adding Motivator would be too expensive, well…fret no more! *Prices updated June 2021

zoho gamification

Zoho Motivator’s new feature: Scorecard analytics means team building!

One thing that Zoho didn’t have to do but did with Motivator is add scorecard analytics to the mix.  Essentially, the scorecard analytics feature takes the salesperson’s activities and gauges what skills that person is best at – and, by also exposing team members who don’t excel at a particular skill, you can group team members whose skills need some work with team members who excel – according to real sales numbers! – and watch your whole team improve.

Even if you choose not to have team members work together in that fashion, it’s still good to know which people are good at which skills, as you never know when that information will come in handy:

Say you learn two of your team are great at following up with leads, and three others aren’t so great at calling, but they’re great at sending emails (and, you’ve checked metrics and see their emails get a lot of opens).  You now know who to put in the trenches when a business partner of yours shares a big lead list with you.  And, you also know who to utilize for an engaging email campaign!

zoho gamification

Now’s the time to motivate your team!

Nothing saps motivation like the heat of summer and the promise of vacation waiting just outside the door…and, conversely, nothing feeds it like the heat of competition and the promise of an awesome prize broadcast right on the office TV monitor.  You can breathe some life back into your team with Zoho Motivator and get a bargain on all your other Zoho apps with CRM Plus.  If you’re not signed up for Zoho CRM yet, give it a try for free here!

DIY QuickBooks CRM Integration: Freemium Option Available

Note: as of 2019, the Freemium QuickBooks integration is deprecated.  We’d be happy to help you with a similar version of the integration – please contact us.

Howdy folks,

We’ve been working on perfecting our do-it-yourself (DIY) freemium QuickBooks integration for Zoho CRM for many months, and we’re really happy to finally announce that it’s complete and ready for you to use!

freemium quickbooks integration

DIY freemium QuickBooks integration for Zoho CRM

If you’re not in the loop, the DIY freemium QuickBooks integration is a lighter, free version of our QuickBooks Desktop integration.  (And, it also works for QuickBooks Online.)  Whereas our premium QuickBooks integration allows for syncing Accounts/Contacts, Products, Invoices, Sales Orders, Quotes, and Purchase Orders (among other items), the DIY freemium integration allows for syncing Accounts/Contacts and Products, perfect for businesses that need some syncing functionality but don’t need Invoices or Quotes passed from Zoho to QuickBooks or vice-versa.

freemium quickbooks integration

What are the pros?

We think there are a lot of great things about this freemium product:

  • It’s completely free – We call it freemium because it works just like a premium option, but we’ll never charge you for it.  Rest easy!
  • It’s easy to configure – Rather than depend on our engineers to complete your project, you can map your data and control the entire integration by yourself.  Not only is this simple to do, but it also saves a lot of time.
  • It saves time – If you create an Account/Contact in QuickBooks or Zoho CRM, you don’t have to worry about entering that name again; it’ll just pop right into the other system.  Whether it’s just saving you a minor inconvenience or a half hour every day, this is never a bad thing.
  • It saves overhead – Do you spend lots of time manually copying data from one system to another?  Well, imagine being able to use that time to do something productive – to finish a nagging project more quickly, for example – while this integration does that work for you.  You or your staff might even get to leave work a little earlier each day because of it.

freemium quickbooks integration

What about the cons?

Nothing’s perfect, of course.  Allow us to elaborate:

  • The Freemium CRM QuickBooks integration doesn’t provide as deep a sync as one of our premium integrations.  We think we’re pretty nice people over here, but at the same time, we can’t give away the farm.  If you need more functionality than just Accounts/Contacts syncing and Products syncing, you’ll need to use one of our premium integrations.  However, we’re going to roll out some Premium DIY integrations, too, so you’ll soon get the best of both worlds.  Keep your eyes peeled for those!
  • We can’t customize it.  As this is a completely free, completely self-contained product, we can’t provide any additional customization for it.  That doesn’t mean customization is impossible, of course – you’ll probably just need to buy one of our premium integrations if you want something more than the freemium product.

Why are we giving this to you?  Is there some kind of catch?

freemum quickbooks integration

Even if you didn’t ask this question outright, I know you’re wondering why we’d give you the Freemium CRM QuickBooks integration.  Are we just really benevolent people?  Of course we are!  But, that’s not why we’re doing this.

The reality is we know there’s a need for a level of syncing below what we offer for our premium Bronze QuickBooks integration – and, we also know that the integration can be cost-prohibitive for some.

We’re betting that if you’re willing to give our Freemium CRM QuickBooks integration a try, you might be willing to knock on our door if you need other Zoho integration help as well, or if you need help with any other Zoho issue that might arise.

Of course, you’re under no obligation to do so… but, we hope that you’d at least consider us.

Aside from that, Zoho themselves like it when we have customers using our products, regardless of how much they spend to use them, so we’re always keen on acquiring new customers, regardless of how much they end up spending.

So, the long and short of it?  No catch!

Ready to get free?

freemium quickbooks integration

If you haven’t done so already, try the Freemium integration out with your QuickBooks!  Just use this page here to sign up and start syncing.

And, as always, email us or drop us a line – (888) 207-4111 – if you have any questions about anything you see here, or if you think you might need a dose of Zoho consulting, some training, or some support!

G2Crowd Says Zoho CRM is Heating Up in 2016

G2Crowd: Zoho CRM is Heating Up Winter 2016

Howdy, folks!  I have a feeling it’s going to be a big year for Zoho CRM in 2016.  Here’s what’s going on:

G2Crowd has just released their Winter 2016 CRM Grid Report.  G2Crowd, for those not in the know, is an organization that compares different software brands, packaging satisfaction reports and reviews across their website, and occasionally releasing digests like these.

zoho crm

As you can see, the grid contains a list of usual suspects and some pretty interesting data about them:

  • Salesforce leads the way in market presence and ranks behind only a few less-popular options in customer satisfaction.  No shocker there; Salesforce’s massive price tag comes with loads of customizability and support to boot.
  • Sage CRM, NetsuiteMS Dynamics CRM, and SugarCRM show high adoption but comparatively (and, to me, surprisingly) low satisfaction rates.
  • Insightly boasts a much higher satisfaction rate but a lower adoption rate than those older players, which makes some sense as Insightly is a newer product overall.
  • Hubspot CRM is quite close to Salesforce in terms of adoption and satisfaction, with Hubspot boasting a satisfaction rate comparable to Salesforce in spite of a comparatively larger disparity in terms of market presence.

And, most compellingly:

  • Zoho CRM has nearly as much adoption as Salesforce, with a satisfaction rating only slightly lower than the behemoth.  From afar, Zoho and Salesforce are outliers, sporting higher combined adoption and satisfaction rates than most any other system out there.

Pretty nifty!  I’d love to spend time analyzing all the competition out there, but, this entry isn’t quite the place for that.  (However, if you’re curious about how Zoho stacks up against a few solid competitors, you can check out this Zoho CRM Comparison Guide.)  I’d love to address why Zoho’s had such a surge in popularity over the past years, though, and also delve into what this all means to you as a (potential) consumer.

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What’s so hot about Zoho right now?

Amidst so many different competitors in the CRM field, what makes Zoho such a compelling option?  It turns out to be a variety of things working together.

  • It’s cloud-based.  On-premise systems were great when they were the only option; nowadays, cloud-based systems allow users to access their data from anywhere with a reliable internet connection, which makes Zoho CRM perfect for the 21st-century businessperson, one who’s probably out of the office more than in, one who needs to be on the go.  Other companies, like Sage, for example, have been slow to release cloud-based CRM options – but, Zoho has been an up-and-comer in that regard since its inception.
  • It’s à la carteWith Zoho, you have all sorts of customization and integration options – not just for the CRM itself, but for its slew of add-ons (apps).  Some CRM systems come with a marketing automation tool if you’re lucky, or, conversely, you might be saddled with a bunch of features your business doesn’t really need.  Zoho eliminates that sort of mess by allowing administrators to choose exactly which proprietary or 3rd-party apps they’d like to use from a list that grows on an almost monthly basis.

zoho crm lower costs

  • It costs much less than its competitors.  Often, money talks more than other factors, and, in spite of Zoho’s array of custom features and applications, the program gets a good amount of mileage simply on the basis of its price.  The most popular Salesforce bundle clocks in at $125 per user per month, while Zoho’s basic bundle comes in at a measly $20 per user per month (not including the free version).  Obviously, popularity alone doesn’t mean equality in other regards (like features, support, etc.) – and, Salesforce being the most expensive option around makes it an extreme example – but, in terms of an overall comparison, the numbers hold up across the board: you get way more bang for your buck with Zoho.
  • You can do it yourself or use a consultant for support.  Zoho isn’t designed specifically to be easy, but, especially ambitious business owners or project managers can implement Zoho CRM, board users, and automate workflows themselves.  It’s a far cry from Salesforce (again, an extreme example), where you need to consult your account representative every time you need to make a change and then jump through additional hoops after that.  On the other hand, if DIY’s not your style, you can choose from a laundry list of Zoho CRM consultants who can help with implementation, general support, training, and any other Zoho need.

This combination of features and options makes Zoho CRM ideal for a business that needs a system that can start big and robust or small and scalable – and, also for ambitious project managers who’d like to implement their own CRMs for simple tasks.  Its home in the cloud makes it perfect for traveling businesspeople.  And, its price is good for anyone.

zoho crm

Looking to warm up your business?

It certainly bears mentioning that if you’d like to utilize Zoho CRM but aren’t too keen on the whole do-it-yourself thing, you have options available.  Using a CRM deployment package through ZBrains saves you the hassle of having to set everything up yourself, which ultimately gives you more time to run your own business.  We’ll handle the hard stuff for you – including support.

zoho crm

Why not go through Zoho directly for Zoho Support?

As enticing as it may be to cut out the middleman and do everything yourself – and simply contact Zoho for support issues – it’s not quite as glamorous as it seems.

Here’s the thing: Zoho is a big company.  They have clients all over the world, but yet – and I know this from dealing with them directly – they’re stretched pretty thin in the support realm.  They have a lot fewer people working in those support trenches than you might think; it’s really no surprise they’ve outsourced all implementations (deployments) to resellers like us.  (I’m guessing the vast majority of Zoho employees are coding and testing all day, which is why they’re able to churn out new products so quickly.)

Anyhow, they’re nice folks, of course, but they’re pretty overburdened.  Unless you have loads of time to kill on the phone or waiting on email replies, it’s always a better option to go with a team that’s more devoted to helping you.

What do you get with ZBrains that you don’t get with other Zoho consultancies?

Well, a few things, actually!  In this day and age, it pays to be a little different.  We’re a Zoho Premium Partner, so that means we provide custom Zoho integrations as well as expertise with Zoho Creator, which means you can integrate a host of popular platforms with Zoho CRM and use our help to create your own custom programs and apps.

Some of those platforms include:

In addition, we offer specially-made tools that help streamline other business procedures, like your quoting process, commission payments, advanced reporting, complex document assembly, and automated appointment scheduling.

As with Zoho itself, all these add-on options are offered on an à la carte basis – but, it certainly helps knowing they’re there.

That about wraps up this post.  Considering its market saturation and customer satisfaction thus far, 2016 looks to be a banner year for Zoho, and, if you choose it for your business…it might be a banner year for you, too!  What are you waiting for? 😉



Get Better Leads with Lead Scoring for Zoho CRM

Howdy, all.

Today’s post is brought to you courtesy of James Converse, Chief Solutions Architect here at ZBrains.  James has worked with Zoho for years, and has done CRM implementation even longer, so he’s a real powerhouse of knowledge; I’m happy he was able to contribute to the blog.

No one knows more about setting up your lead scoring CRM, or lead scoring consulting in general here than James, and, while this piece is a little more technical than some on the blog, the tips included for Zoho lead scoring are easy to implement and use to your advantage inside Zoho CRM – today, even.

As always, call (888) 207-4111 if you have any questions or need help.




zoho crm lead scoring

Are you tired of spending time on leads and prospects that don’t buy?  If so, then this article is for you!  To be honest, I think we’re all a little guilty of jumping the gun when we get excited about a new lead or prospect.  After all, it’s in the DNA of a good salesperson to get a excited about a new opportunity.  The purpose of this article is to explain how to score or judge leads based on YOUR qualification criteria.  By doing this, and storing the lead score in your Zoho CRM system, you can search, sort, and filter on the lead score, allowing you to quickly hone in on the opportunities that have the highest chance of closing.  Additionally, the lead scoring system is based on the FACTS, rather than what the prospect is telling you.

Before we get into how to implement a lead scoring system in Zoho CRM, I’d like to clear a few things up about Zoho CRM and lead scoring.  Going to whip out my Certified Zoho CRM Consultant hat for this one.

Lead Scoring Consulting: What is a Lead Score?

zoho crm lead scoring

A lead score is a number assigned to each lead and prospect, which rates these records based on certain factors.  The higher the score, the more likely the company/person is to buy from you.

What’s the difference between a Lead and a Potential in Zoho CRM?  

Consultants define these two modules in different ways, but the easiest way I can describe it is the Leads module is for the marketing funnel and the Potentials module is for the sales funnel.  From a system standpoint, the Leads module does NOT have pipeline history, whereas the Potentials module DOES.  That being said, if you want a Zoho CRM record to show up in your forecast, it needs to be a Potential, not a Lead.  On an almost daily basis, I see implementations of Zoho CRM where the Potentials module is not being used at all, which completely defeats the purpose of using a CRM in the first place!  If I can give one piece of advice to anyone using Zoho CRM, it would be to use the Potentials module.

What is a prospect in Zoho CRM?

When a Lead is converted into a Potential in Zoho CRM, but that Potential has not been “Closed Won,” it is considered a prospect.  When a Potential is set to “Closed Won,” it is considered a Client or Customer.  To convert a Lead to a Potential, simply click on the lead and then press the “Convert” button at the top of the page.

zoho crm lead scoring

Defining a Qualification Process

Now that you know what and where the “Convert” button is in the Leads module, you can substitute the word “Convert” for “Qualify” – when you are converting the lead, you are qualifying it, and the putting it into the sales funnel.  At the very least, DO NOT CONVERT LEADS THAT AREN’T QUALIFIED.  If your marketers and lead generators continually convert leads that are not qualified, it’s a big problem because the odds of closing an unqualified prospect are slim to none.

You probably know what the right questions are for your business, but at a minimum, I would use what’s called a BANT qualification, which stands for budget, authority, need, and timeline.  A good salesperson likely has a much smoother way of asking these questions, like this:

  1. Is this a funded project? How big of a problem are we trying to solve? (Budget)
  2. What is your role in this project? Is there anyone else involved in this project? (Authority)
  3. How will this product/solution help you/your organization? (Need)
  4. When are you looking to launch? (Timeline)

How to Design a Lead Scoring CRM System

zoho crm lead scoring

Now for the good stuff!  If I take those questions above and define a set of possible answers, I can associate a number to each of those answers.  Then, I simply add up the numbers to determine a score.  Personally, I like to set a maximum lead score of 100 because I can associate it one-to-one to a probability percentage.  Then, when I compare my actual probability to my score, I can adjust my scoring system accordingly.  By studying and adjusting the score over time, you’ll be able to nail down a pretty accurate score for every lead that comes in the door.

To keep it simple, let’s associate 25 points to each of the four questions above:

Q1. Answers for Budget: Small (5 pts), Medium (15 pts), Large (25 pts)

Q2. Answers for Authority: Director (5 pts), VP (15 pts), C-level (25 pts)

Q3. Answers to Need: Small (5 pts), Medium (15 pts), Large (25 pts)

Q4. Answers to Timeline: > 6 months (5 pts), 3-6 months (15 pts), < 3 months (25 pts)

Please note any answers that are “None” or no answer at all result in a score of ZERO.

How to Implement a Zoho Lead Scoring System

To do this, you’ll need to know a little Deluge syntax.  If you don’t want to fumble with it for two days, then get help from a Certified Zoho CRM Consultant.  After you’ve defined the scoring system, create a Formula type field in the Leads module of Zoho CRM. Use the “IF” function to create conditions for your score, putting the actual score after the “THEN” clause.  For example:

  • IF(CONTAINS(${Leads.Budget},’Medium’),15,0)

You’ll have to nest several “IF” statements to cover all the options of a single question.  You’ll also have to add up the results of these “IF” statements with the “+” function (duh).

Make sure to copy the fields and formula over to the Potentials module in Zoho CRM because after you qualify the lead and convert it, the answers to the questions can change, thus changing the lead score in Zoho CRM.

zoho crm lead scoring

Once you’ve debugged your lead score field, run a few tests to make sure it’s calculating correctly.  Unfortunately, formula fields don’t go retroactively in Zoho CRM, but you could always open them in Zoho Sheet View and run the calculation in the spreadsheet.

Lastly, add the lead score field to your Views in both Leads and Potentials, sorting highest to lowest.  The key part about having an accurate score is collecting the information, i.e., the answers to your questions.  Don’t hesitate to call those prospects that haven’t answered your questions and just ask them.  If your prospects don’t have answers, chances are you’re wasting your time with them.

Hope this helps!

~ James Converse

Zoho CRM Certified Consultant | Zoho Creator Certified Developer

Chief Solutions Architect,