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Marketing team planning a campaign

Choosing the Right Zoho App or Module for Your Marketing Automation

We get this question all the time at ZBrains: what is the difference between Zoho CRM Campaigns, Zoho Campaigns, and Zoho Marketing Automation? 

Although the names of these apps and modules are all quite similar, each has its own unique strengths. Let us take a closer look at how to use each resource, as well as the situations where it makes sense to use one over another:

What are the Marketing Features Offered by Zoho CRM Campaigns?

The Zoho CRM Campaigns module brings marketing automation features directly into your Zoho CRM to help you track the success of your sales and marketing campaigns. Depending on your business, that might mean measuring the number of deals, sales, or orders generated from a campaign. 

In any case, this module is mostly about marketing attribution, and Zoho gives you 6 algorithm modules to choose from:

U-shaped attribution and the time decay model–which attributes the most ROI to the last campaign someone was active in–are pretty standard choices for B2B businesses, while first-touch attribution is often more appropriate for small sales. Whatever you choose, all you have to do is pick the model, hit ‘Save’, and Zoho does all of the work for you.

As a note, although you can make campaigns manually in Zoho CRM Campaigns, you might not need to if you are using the Zoho Campaigns app or Zoho Marketing Automation. You also should not use Zoho CRM Campaigns to send mass email campaigns. The module does limit sending to 1,000 messages per day, but because the messages are sent from your own domain, you risk incurring penalties from Google for sending that kind of volume.

Zoho Campaigns

The Zoho Campaigns app is an email service provider (ESP) that is built to help businesses send marketing emails at scale, legally. Think of it like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or other similar email marketing tools.

In addition to providing the standard email builder features you would expect from an email marketing solution, Zoho Campaigns gives you the option to create new campaigns in Zoho CRM Campaigns simultaneously. To set this up:

  • Click ‘Advanced Options’ inside your Zoho Campaign
  • Find the toggle labeled ‘Create campaign in Zoho CRM’
  • Toggle it to the ‘on’ position and save your changes

Then, if you log back into your Zoho CRM Campaigns, you should see your email or social campaign in your list. 

You will still need to create phone and direct mail campaigns manually, as Zoho Campaigns and Zoho Marketing Automation focus on top-rated digital marketing company. But once you have your campaigns fully integrated between the 2 apps, Zoho Campaign activities can be recorded in your CRM records, helping your salespeople better understand your contacts’ engagement.

Another key point about Zoho Campaigns and Zoho Marketing Automation is that they do not send from your mail servers (even though you use the authorization to on your DNS). Zoho Campaigns also sends emails in batches–typically smaller batches to warm up the IP of whatever server they are being sent from–so that they have a much higher chance of getting into recipients’ inboxes.

Zoho Marketing Automation

Finally, there is Zoho Marketing Automation. Going beyond the kinds of email, SMS, and social campaigns found in Zoho Campaigns, Marketing Automation adds autoresponder campaign types including:

  • Sign-up
  • Date-field
  • Closed Group
  • Calendar
  • Email-action
  • Smart Series
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Cyclic

These different autoresponder types are based on contact actions and other triggers. For example, a Smart Series autoresponder is like a newsletter–contacts can be added midway through a campaign, and they will receive new messages as they are added. 

With a Lead Nurturing campaign, on the other hand, email addresses are added directly to the autoresponder. Once they are warmed up, they are thrown over the fence into Zoho CRM for follow-up by sales.

The process of working with Zoho Marketing Automation looks very similar to Zoho Campaigns, but when you go to a ‘Journey’ in Marketing Automation, you will see that there are a lot more actions to choose from than with the comparable workflows in Campaigns. There are more entry points, more lead score calculation options, and more end-of-journey actions–it is just a more robust builder overall.

For these reasons, Zoho Marketing Automation is more comparable to a platform like Marketo or Pardot, while Zoho Campaigns is really meant for simpler campaigns built around email, social, or SMS.

Choosing the Right Zoho Marketing Solution

While there are plenty of other differences between Zoho CRM Campaigns, Zoho Campaigns, and Zoho Marketing Automation, the features highlighted above should give you a sense of when to use each:

  • Use Zoho CRM Campaigns to monitor campaign performance, but build your campaigns in Zoho Campaigns instead, where possible.
  • Use Zoho Campaigns to automate email, social, and SMS campaigns without compromising deliverability.
  • Use Zoho Marketing Automation when you need more complex autoresponders than can be achieved with Zoho Campaigns alone.

Any other questions about these tools? Reach out to the team at ZBrains if you have questions or need clarification.

Creative Thinking with Zoho

Zoho Applications: Creative Problem-Solving for Field Services

It’s essential to act on creative thinking to solve business problems and stay on top in field services and construction. Your industry might have standard KPIs and processes that “work for everyone.” However, as business owners and operators, we know it’s our job to ensure that we’re constantly innovating, improving, and making the most of the time available daily. That’s where Zoho Applications come in – with their innovative solutions for field services and construction, you can optimize your operations and streamline your processes to stay ahead of the competition.

As a result, how you work is almost guaranteed to change over time, and you’ll need to keep solving new problems. The beauty of Zoho CRM and all other Zoho applications available is that they allow for creative solutions to business problems.

This includes the data you capture and your Zoho systems, including what you’re doing with both to make your business profitable time and again. In this article, we’ll share four common business problems that we see Field Services and Construction firms encountering often. This includes everything from your deals and quoting to how to save time calculating commissions. And we will tell you some of the ways that Zoho applications provide a framework. You can ensure you’re staying on the edge of innovation and setting yourself apart from the competition, if that’s your goal.

Let’s take a look at some common business problems and which KPIs you can track in Zoho to stay on top:

Problem 1: Your scheduling and routing efficiency needs help

For Field Services businesses especially, the routing efficiency KPI is big, but consider scheduling, too. Are these tasks cumbersome and waste time that could be spent on the job? You might be asking and wondering:construction inside building

  • Are techs arriving at jobs on time?
  • Do you have the right person scheduled for the work they’re doing?
  • Is time wasted with crews making trips across town?
  • How much loss happens when an appointment cancels?
  • How much productivity – and profit – is lost with extra movement?

Making sure your business has a handle on routing efficiency measurements using geolocation can help you see where you can make up losses. But this is just the start. With the correct creative thinking to solve business problems and the right tools for the job, you can achieve gains in productivity.

The Zoho Scheduling App allows setting appointments based on sales rep calendar availability, location, skill level, or any other metric you define. The app also recognizes cancellations and can suggest appointments to fill cancellation gaps.  For use with a larger sales team, the Zoho Smart Scheduler  combines savings to positively impact revenue!

Problem 2: You’re losing deals because of a disconnect in quoting.

Do any of these sound true for you?

  • Updating product pricing, calculating, and then generating proposals takes forever and are prone for error.
  • Collecting necessary signatures for a job is a hassle.
  • Some of your products are missing descriptions or images in your system.
  • Customers don’t have a way to electronically approve your estimates.

This losing deals issue exists in a lot of businesses, not just construction and field services. However, when your project profitability, service level agreements, and customer satisfaction rely on accurate quotes, it’s paramount to start each job on the right foot.

Optimizations give you beautiful looking quotes, faster quote delivery, more accurate quoting, and an easier transition into creating  jobs. Assemble quotes with the click of a button when Zoho CRM is customized for your construction or field service business . The information required is stored in your CRM! That is: items details, photos, and any other information you require for each SKU. Integrate your Zoho quoting (CPQ) tool with an eSignature tool of your choice, and approval signatures become a breeze.

How much time would your staff save with this sort of integrated quoting and communication tool? Do you think a stronger – and quicker – quoting process would help you land more deals?

Problem 3: Calculating commissions is an overwhelming task

It’s time again for you to calculate commissions for your staff and your business has grown to a complexity that makes this task, well, overwhelming. For you and for your employees. They want to compare month-to-month earnings. You both want easy to access statements and to get this finished on time. Ideally, you envision all of this working in a single system to save you time and effort.

With creative thinking to solve this business problem, Zoho created the Zoho Commission Calculator. Saving time and making this process more straightforward, now you can focus on your next innovation to tackle. And your sales staff can back to what they do best – sales.

Problem 4: Job Costing and Time Tracking feel impossible to capture

With Zoho as your hub, tedious and often difficult tasks of job costing and time tracking are made simpler in FieldTech.  This app connects your field service operation and optimizes your workforce. The benefits are far-reaching in terms of your new ability to report on accurate data around these two specific tasks.

building construction exterior

And the result of accurate reporting? You receive a direct line to the improvement opportunities that exist in these daily operations.

Let’s take a look:

Time Tracking

When your techs arrive on the job, they can select from available work orders and log time against individual tasks assigned on those work orders. One feature that stands out here is geo-location that automatically clocks techs in when they arrive on site. They spend less time on data entry, and don’t miss this task.

Of course, time tracking data is visible to managers, and in reporting. Bottlenecks become easily identifiable, and you can act on them – whether that’s staff training or an innovation in process.

Job Costing

Does your job costing process currently take you between spreadsheets and several applications to find the full story and get answers you need? To find material, equipment, labor, and other direct costs is taking a lifetime. With FieldTech implementation you can see how profitable your jobs are right from a centralized dashboard.

Job Costing ties into time tracking, too:

    • See which of your field techs are doing the best/most efficient work.
    • Get granular and see time spent for a particular job against expected time.
    • Easily see gross profit and how it compares against other jobs.

Imagine being able to compare data from your jobs to find out which are most likely to be successful for your company when you start searching for new leads. Kick off your next marketing campaign armed with data from job costing.

This holistic company view, accompanied by accurate data gives you uncomplicated, actionable insights.

If you’re looking for ways to solve your business problems with the help of Zoho applications, we’re here to help. At ZBrains, our team of Zoho Certified Consultants is ready and eager to assist you with an assessment that’s tailored specifically to your business needs. Whether you’re in Field Services or Construction, we’ve got the expertise and creative thinking to help you find the best solutions. So don’t leave things to chance – get in touch with us today to see how we can help you optimize your business processes using Zoho applications.

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4 Common Problems Manufactuers Face and how zoho and zbrains can solve them

Solving Top 4 Manufacturer Problems: Zoho Applications by ZBrains

zoho manufacturing

Manufacturer problems can range from supply chain management to quality control issues. However, with the right solutions in place, these challenges can be overcome, and businesses can thrive.

Manufacturers play a crucial role in producing goods, yet many struggle to reach their full potential due to internal problems. These challenges, although controllable, can be difficult to address and hinder business success.

Zoho & ZBrains: Enhancing Manufacturing Solutions

Lack of Lean Manufacturing Methodology

Lean may be the way to go for some. Businesses may struggle with outdated production methods, inventory exchanges, large lots, and subpar quality. Many of these manufacturer problems stem from a simple need for a system to help manage production correctly. Lean manufacturing systems can turn a struggling business around and boost sales while increasing productivity. Zoho Inventory can help manage inventory in multiple warehouses. The more robust Zoho Creator ERP can help you order your raw materials more effectively, manage your picking, and even optimize your production routing, all ultimately helping to reduce wasted product and time.

zoho manufacturing forecasting mobile

Subpar Forecasting

If you don’t know who’s buying what and when they’re buying it, you’re left with too much or too little to move your product at the correct pace. Future forecasting in Zoho Inventory gives you better visibility into what is needed with custom dashboards and fewer data inputs. Insights into customer trends and demands provide valuable feedback into your optimal reorder point and can help you use older inventory as needed. Data-driven insights help you understand your customers on a whole new level, allowing for more accurate forecasting of the material needs for production.

Bad Customer Experience, Leading to Worse Business Experience

Are you getting your customers what they want, when they want? Online reviews and instant gratification have increased consumer input. Insufficient data and slow turnaround can hurt sales. At times, products are even sent to market without proper development because of manufacturer problems somewhere else in the supply chain, and you’re left to pick up the slack. Maybe you have a supplier that doesn’t suit your operation anymore. These are all common issues that can contribute to a less-than-stellar customer experience. However, a tool like Zoho CRM can give you the visibility you need to gauge the overall health of your manufacturing or distribution business. It can directly help your sales staff engage your customers and vendors – and, in the process, help you see where to improve things.

zoho manufacturing chart

Resistance to R&D

Changing the way your business operates to adapt to the technological environment may seem daunting if you’re not already ahead of the curve, and using a streamlined ERP solution to manage your inventory and orders ERP solution to manage your inventory and orders, changing the way your business operates to adapt technological environment may seem daunting. Why bother if resistance from your team or adaptation to new technology will only take away from the primary goal of delivering a product? Adopting new technology to fuel your business isn’t just a set-it-and-forget-it phase; it requires continuous input and adaptability. But, when done correctly, you’ll find your business flows like never before, with less waste and even less money spent!

At ZBrains, we’re here to help you face all these problems head-on with the help of our Zoho certified consultants and our slew of software solutions.  Are you interested in learning more? Reach out to a member of our team today! Call us at (888) 207-4111 or click the button below, and we’ll contact you.

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Zoho Apps That We Are Grateful For!

It’s Thanksgiving! It’s the perfect time to chow down, visit family and friends, and be happy and thankful for everyone in your life. In the spirit of the holiday, we would like to share some of the Zoho Apps that we are most grateful for with you! They can help you to optimize your potential and can keep you on-track and ready to close more, win more, and earn more.

Here are 4 Zoho Apps that we are grateful for!

Zoho appsZoho CRM

Zoho CRM is a powerful cloud-based customer and prospect management solution for your business. It is your most basic database where you can reach out to your customers and reference past work or projects, as well as forecast future sales – which you can use to make key decisions about your business. With Zoho CRM, you can set tasks and reminders to reach out to your customers in a timely and convenient manner, all for the purpose of giving your customers a smoother journey through your sales funnel. With a multitude of integrations, add-ons, and applications you can customize this CRM to fit your specific, unique business needs. Check out just how easy it is to migrate to Zoho!

Zoho appsZoho Sprints

Simplify project management for your business! This agile project management app designed to manage software sprints and help everyone get over their respective hurdles. A simpler project management solution than Zoho Projects, you can manage and track your team’s time and see where everyone stands using the Scrum Board. Use analytics which update in real time to help you make predictions, make adjustments, and identify bottlenecks. All of these features will make sure that your team is operating efficiently. Learn more here!

ZohoZoho apps Campaigns

Being able to keep in touch with your customers and prospects is important: it can convert uninterested leads into warmer prospects, and it can turn one-time customers into lifetime family members. Instead of toggling between various different apps for email marketing, you can use Zoho Campaigns. It integrates with your CRM to ensure that your data is always up to date. Campaigns also gives you massive insights into your email marketing campaigns so you can know how they performed and automate follow-up campaigns. Best of all, the integration with Zoho CRM offers unparalleled visibility into those engaged with your content and pipeline. Learn more about the power of Zoho Campaigns!

Zoho appsZoho Desk

Good customer service is important! Happy customers make life so much easier. Zoho Desk is that all-encompassing solution for your business in need of a ticketing system. Desk is context-aware and designed so your service never misses a beat. With in-depth reporting for management, detailed tickets and time tracking for agents, and a knowledge base for customers – this Zoho app help cover every level of customer service.

Love all of these Zoho Apps? Well, they are all included with Zoho One! If you are interested in learning more feel free to reach out to our team. Give us a call at (888) 207-4111 and schedule a consultation at a time that works best for you. You can also sign up for a free trial of Zoho by clicking the button below!

We here at ZBrains wish you a safe, happy, and delicious holiday!

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Zoho App Creator: The Easy Way to Build Mobile Applications!

You know you’re living in a decadent time when you learn that Zoho’s just created a new product that lets users create entire mobile apps from scratch.  The new product, called Zoho App Creator, is pretty similar to Zoho Creator, but with a focus set squarely on creating mobile apps.

zoho app creator

Forgive my amazement, but, remember when creating apps was something you needed to hire a very experienced developer to do, and, even when the thing was all done, you had to jump through flaming hoops of compliance to get the thing into the App Store or the Play Store?  Now, you can get all apps created with Zoho App Creator into the app store, no sweat.  Unreal!

This is still a relatively new product, so I’m sure there will be updates, but let me give you the first-time rundown!  We can explore it together.

Zoho App Creator – First Glance

zoho app creator

Zoho’s new UI rollout really shines here – AppCreator is perfectly in line with all the other apps Zoho’s upgraded recently.  (Still waiting for a few stragglers, though… I’m looking at you, Zoho Campaigns…)  All the main buttons – the hamburger, the home and help icons – are in their expected places, and the lighter blue header is a nice change from the darker hues of most other Zoho apps.

Truly the easiest, coolest thing

Zoho App Creator gives the user a screen with which to build real, functioning mobile apps that not only stand on their own, but can connect to Zoho CRM and other third-party business programs.  Building apps is all pretty much done in a familiar, drag-and-drop fashion; users can select the data fields of their choice from a bank, and even create their own custom fields if they so choose.  And, perhaps the best part: you don’t even have to know how to code to use this.  Apps you build with Zoho App Creator will function on Androids, Apple devices, and Windows machines…just like that.

zoho app creator

But, how can you use Zoho App Creator for your business?

Pretty easily, actually.  Here are some easy potential use cases:

  • Connect to the CRM and set up a scheduling app to fit your needs
  • Send information to your CRM or other business program on the fly by entering through a form
  • Set the CRM to notify Zoho App Creator users when certain conditions arise
  • Sync data from multiple business programs to a single custom app

There are loads more, of course – I’m sure you’re thinking of a few possible applications yourself.

Another thing you’ll love: As with all other Zoho apps, AppCreator is cloud-based.  That means any change you make to the app will reflect for all app users immediately.  That means no software upgrades!

What you can do now:

  • Sign up for a trial of Zoho App Creator and get your hands dirty!  Er, you won’t get them dirty, actually, since the thing is so easy to use.  Give it a shot.
  • Stay tuned for more content on the latest Zoho offerings!  I plan to create a searchable page for the site that includes more in-depth info on Zoho App Creator, which will include a comprehensive list of features and more potential use cases for the product, written in a more consultative way.



BackToWork with Zoho

Zoho’s BackToWork Apps Free Until End of 2020

Zoho has a mission to help businesses keep on track, especially during this uncertain time. Now they’re doing it again by offering the BackToWork apps free until 12/31/2020. We’ve sure experienced endless changes in 2020 and Zoho is primed to help. (You might remember they did so with Emergency Subscription Assistance Program (ESAP) and even made their Remotely suite free until July 2020 earlier this year.)  

Currently at ZBrains, we’re hearing from a lot of clients who are gearing up to open their doors – or even moving forward already – and the need for digital transformation tools that allow for a safe return to work is evident. As you embark on the journey back to business safely in these new circumstances, take a look at what BackToWork offers in this single pack – no need to subscribe to each one individually. 

What solutions are included in BackToWork?

Six primary modules are associated with this future-driven solution from Zoho. The information and communication we needed to operate seamlessly has changed dramatically. BackToWork can help with your struggles around safety, compliance, communication, facility management, and even asset and maintenance requests, and resource capacity. With Zoho BackToWork, you get “a ready-to-use app that focuses on workforce readiness.

Admin control center module – Welcome your staff back to a safer office space. This dashboard empowers top-level management to assess the preparedness of facilities better, and view individual employee health statuses.

Wellness module – Provide industry-approved surveys. This dashboard lets you circulate and collect self-assessment and contact-tracing forms, and oversee organization-wide health information.

Safe entry module – Determine which employees are ready to work from the office. With this module, perform employee self-assessments, segregate high-risk groups, and evaluate entry requests from employees and visitors.

Employee self-service module – On this dashboard, you can manage asset requests, ranging from office supplies to sanitizer to office space maintenance.

Communications module – Correspond with staff over the phone and the web, and share guidelines, best practices, frameworks, and announcements in a coordinated manner.

Volunteer module – Give back to the community. This module allows organizations to recruit employees, and organize and execute volunteer drives.

How to get BackToWork

How would you use the BackToWork app collection? If you’re already thinking about how it could benefit your business and your team communication, or if you’re looking for other Zoho Solutions to enhance your organization, our team of ZBrains consultants would be glad to connect and analyze your situation for you. 

Contact us any time to start the conversation about your digital transformation.

Maximize Your Time with Zoho Scheduling App by CRE Software

Zoho Scheduling App

zoho scheduling app

The Secret to Increasing Productivity and Profit

Effectively managing productivity is a key element to any successful business.  In field services and construction when so much is dependent on environmental factors, it’s critical that all time is accounted for in order to meet tight deadlines, and maintain gross profit margins.  Many CRE software solutions claim to be an all-in-one option for managing your field services and construction projects; however they fall short in one area – scheduling.  Inefficient scheduling results in lost opportunities and reduced profits.

So how can you ensure that you are scheduling your time efficiently in order to take advantage of unforeseen opportunities and increase company earnings?

zoho scheduling app

Zoho Scheduling App to the rescue!

As a field service or construction business owner, your time is valuable and in demand, and it’s essential to prioritize your daily tasks. CRE software is an excellent project management tool. Pairing it with the Zoho Scheduling App effectively reduces time spent on administrative tasks, addressing three of the top scheduling issues.

4 Tips to Building the Perfect Schedule with the Zoho Scheduling App

Unlike CRE software, the Smart Scheduler job dispatch software was designed by ZBrains to intuitively consider the following factors to create an optimal schedule.

Common Barriers to Productivity

How the Zoho Scheduling App Can Help

  • Multiple systems that don’t talk to each other – scheduling nightmare
  • Scheduling App is synced with all of your schedules
  • Reduces time spent trying to sort out multiple schedules
  • Double booking – detrimental to your reputation
  • Scheduling App syncs and coordinates schedules, preventing double booking
  • Cancellations – lost opportunities and earnings
  • Scheduling App inputs cancellations in your schedule
  • Looks for opportunities
  • Fills the openings and allows you to make extra money

Let’s consider the following scenario: its 9:00am and your 2:00pm installation appointment called to cancel.

zoho scheduling app

In order to not miss out on a possible opportunity to fill your schedule, you do the following:

Traditional Scheduling Zoho Scheduling App
  1. Pull out paper schedules, log into computer and pull up multiple systems to check employee scheduling and appointment opportunities
  2. Spend an hour reviewing schedules looking for openings
  3. Call employees to see if anyone is available to fit in an extra job

This process is frustrating and ineffective.

  1. Input cancellation into your schedule
  2. The Scheduling App assesses the following factors based on cancellation job details:
  • Calendar availability
  • Proximity to client
  • Area of expertise
  • Predefined territory

Wasting an hour of time trying to piece together opportunities to fill a gap is not productive.  In just a matter of minutes, the Zoho Scheduling App will give you three possible appointment times based on information provided.

zoho scheduling app

How will the Zoho Scheduling App increase profits?

  • More opportunity to quote jobs
  • More time spent productively
  • All employees are working

The more your business relies on scheduling, the more quickly you’ll notice improvements in your operations.  What’s more is the people who normally do your scheduling will be much less stressed doing their jobs.  Maybe that even means you!

How does the Zoho Scheduling App work?

The app integrates with your existing Zoho CRM and allows for scheduling technicians or employees to jobs.  It gathers information from your CRM and your technicians’ calendars, then writes appointment data back to the CRM.  The Zoho scheduling app then writes information back to your techs’ calendars and sends the appropriate email reminders.

Coming soon: Scheduling directly from Zoho Desk

Just as you might schedule an appointment from a Lead or Deal record, you may want to do so from a support ticket, too.  Coming soon, you will be able to schedule appointments directly from a ticket in Zoho Desk.

Get Started Today!

You will never again miss an opportunity to quote a job. ZBrains developed the Zoho Smart Scheduler App with increased productivity for field services and construction companies in mind.  Get started and leverage your Zoho Scheduling App to increase profits and put more time back into your hands.  Contact us here for a free consultation and demo.

Transform Your Sales Process with SalesIQ Zoho Mobile App

zoho salesiq mobile app

The big picture: You’ve probably shied away from SalesIQ in the past because you were afraid it would look bad if your sales team wasn’t logged in.  But, what if you could solve that problem with a mobile app?

If so, this is the one for you.  A programmable chat window on your website ensures your visitors have someone to talk to – and now, with the SalesIQ mobile app, you can be there whenever you want, even when you’re not at your desk.

It seems like these days, Zoho comes out with a new feature almost every week.

And, I’m not talking about silly, useless updates either – these are the real deal.  Last week, they released an update for Zoho Creator, the Zoho AppCreator, which allows for creating functional apps in Creator with a simple drag-and-drop interface… Impressive.  (Look for a piece going into a little more depth on that later this week.)

zoho salesiq mobile app

And, just today, I heard about this great update for Zoho SalesIQ – the SalesIQ mobile app.  As with any good mobile app, it’s lightweight (18 MB for Apple devices and only 9 for Androids) and provides enough functionality to make sense without giving you all the controls you get with the full version of SalesIQ.  For an example of what I mean, you can set your status to Away or Busy with the SalesIQ mobile app, but you can’t change your company’s business hours or address information.  I don’t know why you’d need to do that from your mobile, though.  (Before continuing, if you aren’t sure what SalesIQ is, I’d suggest reading this.)

The app doesn’t have the nice orbiting display the full version of SalesIQ boasts, but it does show numbers of visitors in each orbit you have set up, and then offers a detailed view you can use to chat those individual visitors up if you’d like.

Most importantly, the Zoho SalesIQ mobile app includes the option to make noise, vibrate, and flash the screen when someone responds to one of your website triggers.  That way you never miss your visitors’ requests when you’re away from your desk.

zoho salesiq mobile appZoho SalesIQ mobile app features and screens:

  • Visitors Online – Shows numbers of visitors in each category on your website(s) with the SalesIQ code embedded in them.  (You can get the code for this from inside the full version of SalesIQ, but not the SalesIQ mobile app.)
    • Detail – Shows individual profiles of visitors on your websites, including their names (if you or they have filled out that info), IP addresses, the current page they’re on, their referral method, their browser, and their operating system – just like the full SalesIQ.
  • Visitor History – Shows profiles of either all visitors or returning visitors to your websites, including all info from the Detail screen mentioned above.  My only gripe with this SalesIQ mobile app feature is the visitors don’t seem to be in any logical order, and there’s no way to sort them (yet).
  • Visitor Chats – Separate from the Visitors Online screen, this is where your chats take place.  You can choose between viewing Ongoing, Missed, or Historical chats here.
  • User Chats – This is for communicating with team members also online (whether on the SalesIQ mobile app or on the full version), good for announcements related to the product, e.g., you’re running a contest for your Sales team members to see how many conversions they can get that day.  You can send private messages or “message board” messages, which are like group chats.  (These features are available in the full version of SalesIQ too.)

zoho salesiq mobile app

  • Settings – This screen is pretty basic, but gives you all the functionality you’d really need from a mobile chat app:
    • Profile – Displays your photo, same as the regular SalesIQ.  Also displays your privilege level (Administrator, member, etc.) and the name of your company.  Useful in situations when you’re responding on behalf of others in your organization, or on behalf of other organizations (which as a Zoho certified consultancy we sometimes do).
    • StatusThe most important screen.  Allows you to set your status as Available or Busy.  This stays consistent between any instances of SalesIQ that are open, which is also very nice.
    • Notifications – Allows for setting the kinds of notifications you want in your SalesIQ mobile app (sounds, vibrations, and pop-ups) for new chat messages, followup messages, and messages from within your organization.
    • Theme – Allows for a slight skin modification.  Kinda cool if you have a favorite color, or you’re in a particularly orange or pink mood today 🙂
    • Reset data – Clears all data from SalesIQ.  If you ran a few test chats and want to clear those out, this is good to have, but I’m actually a little scared of hitting this by accident one day.  I don’t know why this is included in the app.
    • Sign out – Signs the current user out of the Zoho SalesIQ mobile app (but not your full version of SalesIQ, if applicable).

The SalesIQ mobile app is a great way to stay on top of your chat game

In short, this is a fine product for anyone looking to engage website visitors a little better.  To make the best use of this, set up automated SalesIQ triggers for website visitors so your system pushes notifications to visitors automatically and you can worry about people contacting you instead of fumbling with your mobile keyboard to type personalized messages to everyone you see.

As with most new apps, there are a couple of features that would benefit from a little tweaking, but overall this SalesIQ mobile app is a great addition to the Zoho family.  And, it’s only been around since March 30th of this year, so I’m guessing Zoho will improve this one and perhaps even add more features as time goes on.

I’m online right now (at least until 7 PM, when I tend to fall over from exhaustion)… are you?



Zoho Mobile CRM Apps

Zoho Mobile CRM Apps

zoho mobile crm apps

A trio of Zoho mobile CRM apps is now available for you, enabling you to take your entire business on the road, to trade shows, or anywhere else you want to do business. These mobile apps empower business owners and employees to access records on their mobile devices, turning phones and tablets into lead-generating machines, even at trade shows.

What Zoho mobile CRM apps are available?

Here are the Zoho mobile CRM apps available to you:

  •  Zoho CRM – The main mobile app provides instant access to Zoho CRM, easing business decisions, record-keeping, and team collaboration. Email, phoning, and offline record updates are supported on iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones.
  • Leads – Import information from business cards into Zoho CRM, enter contact information into Zoho Campaigns lists, receive driving directions, and save information for later.
  • Card Scanner –Scanning business cards in numerous languages (English, Spanish, Russian, French, German, Dutch, and Swedish), importing data into Zoho CRM, and utilizing integrated map capability are all available.

The trio of apps allow salespeople to transfer data from business cards directly to Zoho CRM, where they can then insert contact info into Zoho Campaigns lists, get driving directions to different offices, or simply keep the information for later.

zoho mobile crm apps

Take your entire business with you with Zoho mobile CRM apps

The Zoho CRM mobile app lets users immediately access Zoho CRM, whether they’re at a trade show or just away from their desks, allowing for quick business and record-keeping decisions, and even team collaboration.  The CRM app works on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.

The app enables emailing and calling from it, and offline record updates that sync with Zoho CRM upon reconnection.

Visit your clients more easily

One new feature of the Zoho mobile CRM app is that it can alert you when you’re close to your prospects’ businesses.  This allows users to plan excursions to visit close by businesses, aided by the integrated map feature of the app.  This proves invaluable during downtime in client-heavy areas, or simply when you aren’t sure how to get to a client’s office.

Access the Zoho mobile CRM app here.

zoho mobile crm apps

Make impressions right away with the Zoho mobile Leads app

Making trade shows work for you can be a major hassle at times; you usually need to carry bulky equipment with you or wait until the end of a conference to collect everyone’s information – or, keep track of piles of business cards, only to enter their information into your CRM manually later on.

The Zoho mobile Leads app allows users to transfer lead information directly into Zoho CRM, and even allows for immediate followup with users via email or insertion into an integrated Zoho Campaigns mailing list.

How it works

The Zoho mobile Leads app works when you scan your prospects’ badge QR codes or take pictures of their business cards.  The Zoho mobile Leads app parses data from the business cards (or reads the QR codes) and imports the information into your Zoho CRM.  Then, from the app, you can assign leads to different members of your company or immediately send out emails.

Zoho Campaigns integration allows for even faster sales cycles

Being able to automatically import data into your CRM is one thing, but, with the Zoho Campaigns integration to the Leads app, you can start your prospective clients with fresh email campaigns the very day they meet you.  In a business (and general) climate where early engagement is the key to success, this integration is absolutely invaluable.

Access the Zoho mobile Leads app here.

zoho mobile crm apps

Get streamlined with the Zoho mobile Card Scanner app

The Zoho mobile Card Scanner app captures and transfers scanned or photographed information to your Zoho CRM. It focuses solely on data transfer and map integration, without additional features like Zoho Campaigns or lead assignment capabilities.

Scan in multiple languages

The Zoho mobile Card Scanner app reads business cards in seven different languages:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • French
  • German
  • Dutch
  • Swedish

Access the Zoho mobile Card Scanner app here.

More mobile apps than you can shake a stick at

The great thing about Zoho is they’re always innovating.  With the surge of mobile popularity, we’re happy to report that Zoho CRM isn’t the only app that has been given the mobile treatment.  No, not by a long shot!  Zoho makes all of its apps in mobile form now, so you can access your entire business from the palm of your hand.  Stick with the CRM, or go deep with mobile Zoho Books, Zoho Advanced Analytics, and many others.  It’s all available with the Zoho One suite, which contains all of Zoho’s apps in one neat package.

Welcome to the family!

zoho mobile crm apps

Zoho is full of surprises—you won’t know what you don’t know until you dive in and explore! But, we want to be there to guide you through the journey so you come out not only okay, but great.  Our Zoho mobile CRM apps offer a streamlined solution for mobile organizations. Access and manage your CRM data from trade exhibitions or while away from your workplace using Zoho CRM. The Leads app enables for immediate lead transfer and follow-up, whereas the Card Scanner app gathers and imports business card information. Explore the whole Zoho One suite of mobile apps, including Zoho Books and Zoho Advanced Analytics. Call us at (888) 207-4111 for Zoho consultancy, CRM training, and to leverage the potential of Zoho’s mobile app family.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Zoho Mobile CRM Apps

1. Q: What is Zoho Mobile CRM?

    A: Zoho Mobile CRM is a powerful mobile application that allows businesses to access and manage their customer relationship management (CRM) data on the go. It provides a range of features and functionalities to help businesses stay connected with their customers and streamline sales processes from their mobile devices.

2.  Q: How can Zoho Mobile CRM Apps benefit my business?

     A: Zoho Mobile CRM Apps offer several benefits for businesses, including:

  • Mobility: With Zoho Mobile CRM, you can access your CRM data anytime, anywhere, directly from your mobile device. This ensures that you stay connected and productive even when you’re on the move.
    Real-time Updates: The app syncs seamlessly with the web version of Zoho CRM, ensuring that you have the latest information and updates at your fingertips.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Zoho Mobile CRM Apps provide a user-friendly interface and intuitive features that allow you to manage leads, contacts, accounts, and deals efficiently. You can update records, schedule tasks, track sales activities, and collaborate with your team effortlessly.
    Improved Customer Engagement: The app enables you to respond to customer inquiries, access customer history, and maintain personalized interactions, leading to better customer satisfaction and retention.
    Offline Access: Zoho Mobile CRM Apps also offer offline capabilities, allowing you to continue working even when you’re in an area with limited or no internet connectivity. Your data will sync automatically once you’re back online.

3. Q: Which platforms are supported by Zoho Mobile CRM Apps?

    A: Zoho Mobile CRM Apps are available for both iOS and Android platforms. Whether you use an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, you can easily download the respective app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

4. Q: Are there any additional costs for using Zoho Mobile CRM Apps?

    A: Zoho Mobile CRM Apps are included in the subscription plan for Zoho CRM users. However, it’s important to note that the availability and pricing may vary depending on your specific Zoho CRM edition and subscription plan. We recommend contacting Zoho’s sales team or referring to their official website for the most up-to-date information regarding pricing and features.

5. Q: Can I customize Zoho Mobile CRM Apps to match my business requirements?

A: Yes, Zoho Mobile CRM Apps are highly customizable. You can tailor the app’s layout, fields, modules, and workflows to align with your business processes. Zoho provides a comprehensive set of customization options, allowing you to personalize the app according to your specific needs.

Zoho CRM Mobile Apps Announcement

Boost Your Business with Zoho’s New CRM Mobile App

zoho crm mobile app

Zoho has just announced a trio of exciting new products designed to let you take your whole business on the road!  These mobile apps will not only prove invaluable to business owners looking to access important company information from their phones, of course – but, they’ll also allow salespeople to collect and manage prospect information easily at trade shows, and even scan business card data to relay to Zoho CRM.

The trio of Zoho CRM mobile apps are as follows:

  • Zoho CRM
  • Zoho Leads
  • Zoho Card Scanner

zoho crm mobile app

Zoho CRM Mobile App – your entire business in your hands

The Zoho CRM mobile app allows for immediate access to your Zoho CRM, whether you’re on the road or just away from your home base.  The app works on Android, iPhone, or iPad, and allows you to make business decisions and even collaborate with your team just as you normally would from your computer.

Standard tasks like emailing and calling directly from the app are, of course, available.  As well, the app allows for data access even when not connected to the internet (for example, when your mobile device is in Airplane Mode) and synchronizes the data automatically as soon as your device is reconnected.

Cool feature: Visit your customers

The Zoho CRM mobile app comes with a great feature that can alert you when you’re close to your prospects’ businesses, so you can visit them (with built-in driving directions) if you’d like.  This is a great tool if you have an hour to kill before or after a trade show in a client-dense area, or, simply for when you aren’t sure how to get to a client’s office.

Access the Zoho CRM mobile app here.

zoho crm mobile app

Effortless Trade Shows with Zoho Leads Mobile App

Scanning badges at trade shows can be a major hassle; you need to have the right equipment and generally follow protocol like waiting until the end of a trade show to get more prospect information, or waiting around with a stack of business cards.  The Zoho Leads mobile app makes the whole process much easier.  It works as a trade show scanner app, letting you transfer information into your Zoho CRM immediately, and even allows for following up and managing your new client details directly from the app.

How does the Zoho business card scanner work?

All you have to do is scan your prospects’ badge QR codes, or just take a picture of their badges or business cards from your mobile device; the Zoho Leads mobile app imports all relevant data to the app (and to your Zoho CRM) automatically.  You can then assign lead owners and even send followup emails to your prospects right from the app.  Pretty nifty!

(If you’re unable to scan badges, business cards, or QR codes, you can also add lead details manually.)

Cool feature: See your success rate right away with Zoho Campaigns integration

It can sometimes take a little time to see just how successful your trade show efforts were.  However, with Zoho Campaigns integration with your Zoho Leads mobile app, you can add your prospects to special mailing lists immediately and serve them fresh content to gauge their level of interest in your company.

Access the Zoho Leads mobile app here.

zoho crm mobile app

Zoho Card Scanner Mobile App – like Leads, but streamlined

Want the card-scanning functionality of the Zoho Leads mobile app without the extra bells and whistles?  The Zoho Card Scanner mobile app is right for you.  The Zoho Card Scanner mobile app allows users to automatically import business card or QR code data directly to Zoho CRM just by scanning a badge or taking a picture of a card.

Neat features:

  • The Zoho Card Scanner mobile app reads business cards in seven different languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Russian, and Swedish.
  • Similar to the Zoho CRM mobile app, the Zoho Card Scanner mobile app locates your prospects’ addresses on a map so you can see how close you are to their businesses.

Access the Zoho Card Scanner mobile app here.

zoho crm mobile app

Little bit bogged down?

Our Zoho consulting experts are always eager to answer questions about these new Zoho products, as well as give specialized Zoho training sessions or go over our variety of Zoho support plans.  Contact us by using the link in the upper right corner of this window!

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