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10 Benefits of Quickbooks Zoho Integration for Financial and Customer Management

Creating an atmosphere of cooperation between front and back offices can become strained even in the best companies, add to that the frustration of not having coordinated systems and the result can be disastrous. If you are a small or medium business looking to add a CRM component or integrate your CRM and accounting systems be sure to consider the dynamic duo, the Zoho Quickbooks integration.

Power of Integration

When everyone from the receptionist, bookkeeper, salesperson and service personnel all have access to the same information, wonderful things can happen. Imagine a situation where the salesperson collects an outstanding invoice from a client in arrears during a routine sales call because the information was available to them on their smartphone. Or a receptionist that sends a quick email direct to a sales rep that a client is looking for a quote and the information is posted to the clients account for the rep to see instantly. This way to integrate QuickBooks is possible and enhances all aspects of your business, front to back.

Data Transfer

Keep tabs on all your information with automatic or manual data transfer: integrate QuickBooks and Zoho. This allows for all information to be instantly updated automatically or at a time of your choosing. Keeping all systems up-to-date allows better work flow processes.

One Entry

With an integrated system, any information entered into Zoho CRM or QuickBooks is automatically transferred to the other. This one entry saves immense amount of time over traditional double entry systems. You could literally save an entire salary with this feature alone.

Remote Access

Let’s face it, ERP systems have not always been the easiest systems to access remotely. With the combination of Zoho and QuickBooks your data is available from any web browser on any device anywhere in the world at any time. This is the advent of cloud computing at its finest.

Always Updated

Tired of wasting time looking for the most recent and updated transaction record? With a synchronization of your records you can simply sync your programs and know that the information is up to date.

Easy Export

Implementation could not be easier than with these two software environments. Integrate QuickBooks and Zoho and simply export and import the records you need from one to the other to get started. This simple process allows instant implementation instead of weeks of manual entries.


This export and syncing process gets even easier with field mapping capabilities between the two ensuring that all your information is deposited into the right places without deleting or overwriting important information.

Sync Tracking

Do you need access to tracking of your synchronization activities with the ability to delete the most recent transfer? With Zoho and QuickBooks this is easy and available allowing you the flexibility to ensure your data transfers are accurate.

Accounting Info on the Go

One of best parts of this combination is the ability of sales histories, invoice histories and estimates to be cross transferred into Zoho CRM allowing the information that truly empowers your sales reps. It also lowers your overall cost by reducing your number of QuickBooks user licenses needed.

Quotes to Orders

Being able to the convert Zoho Quotes into QuickBooks Orders or Invoices is a must-have for sales organizations. This feature makes the efficiency and workflow of order processing efficient.

Contact us today to learn just how we integrate QuickBooks with Zoho CRM. Hundreds of customers are using our integration, and we’re happy to report that dozens of customers are happy with their improved CRM/ERP workflows!

Create a Successful Zoho Email Campaign: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn How to Create a Zoho Email Campaign

zoho email campaign

Mass email strategies w/ Zoho Campaigns

Sending out a mass Zoho email campaign with Zoho Campaigns looks like this in a 1-2-3 step process:

  1. Prepare the campaign
  2. Send the campaign
  3. Evaluate the results

Experience shows that a little bit of planning ahead can greatly improve the results of your campaign. Also, setting some time aside to evaluate the results (which is very easy with the flood of statistics Zoho Campaigns provides) can help you optimize your campaign strategy.

The following scenario will assume that you are using Zoho CRM integrated with Zoho Campaigns.

Zoho Campaigns Workflow

Preparing the campaign

Zoho Campaigns needs a one-time setup when you first sign up:

  • Verify the sender email addresses
  • Do you have access to DNS records? This is required to verify the domain ownership, and avoid being marked spam

To have the right account settings, you also need to consider:

  • How many recipients per month?
  • How many emails (=campaigns) per month?
  • How many email variations (=template)?

Then for each campaign consider the following pre-flight checklist:

  • Who will be the SENDER of the emails?
  • Which contacts/leads will be the RECIPIENTS?
  • Who will provide the copy and the design for the campaign?

For an email campaign you will need:

  • The CONTENT – which can be created as free format HTML -or- by using a reusable template. You may build your own templates or simply use one of Zoho’s preexisting templates (reference below) from a library provided by Zoho.Zoho Campaigns Templates
  • The list of RECIPIENTS – this data comes from your Zoho CRM through the data sync. The synchronization between Zoho CRM and Zoho Campaigns happens in the background, automatically (after the one-time setup) pulling all of your Leads and Contacts to generate a list of emails to market to.

Zoho CRM Integration with Zoho Campaigns

Sending the campaign

Once you have these ingredients, you then have to put on the finishing touches:

  • Designate the sender address (the person the Zoho email campaign will appear to be coming from)
  • The subject line – this is where brevity and relevance matters a lot and will have a significant impact on your open rates.
  • Have the content reviewed by Zoho – this is their security measure to prevent potentially objectionable content to be sent from their system.
  • Schedule your campaign to go off at the specified time.

A few tips for designing good a Zoho email campaign:

  • Have permission to send mass emails to your recipients or run the risk of being penalized for unwanted emails.
  • Be relevant – design your subject line and your content to speak to your audience, as they will open your email only if they find it interesting. Error on the side of simplicity, keep it short and to the point with your messaging.
  • Use a Call To Action – Your reader will think “I have read your email, now what?”… You want to explicitly tell them what action they should perform next after reading your email.

Evaluate the results

Zoho Campaigns offers a lot of statistical insights for your Zoho email campaign.

Zoho Campaign Results

The key metrics you definitely want to monitor are:

  • Bounce rate – this tells you about the quality of your recipient list
  • Open rate – which measures whether your subject line was successful to capture the attention of your recipients (the sender’s account also has an impact on this)
  • Click through rate – which measures the appeal of your Call To Action
  • Obviously, the Unsubscribe rates should stay at a minimum, but it’s another stat to keep an eye on.

To sum it up, executing a successful email campaign through Zoho Campaigns will take time, testing and persistence. No campaign is ever perfectly executed the first time, but if you follow the steps mentioned above, you’ll surely be on your way to building a profitable Zoho email campaign strategy.

Do even more with Zoho Email Campaigns: Use the Zoho CRM Campaigns Module

zoho crm email campaigns

Zoho Corporation has come out with a new update to the Zoho CRM Campaigns module that allows the user to do even more with email campaigns in Zoho.  If using the Zoho Campaigns app isn’t quite your speed, or you just want something a little more streamlined, Zoho’s Campaigns module makes setting an email campaign straight from the CRM fairly straightforward.  You can use related lists to send or exclude members from campaigns, check out fairly detailed analytics, and even set up something close to an autoresponder.  You can read about this in more detail in this Zoho CRM Campaigns module blog post.

Ready to see even more about what Zoho can do for your business?

As always, we’d love to hear your opinion of the strategies expressed in this article.  Please feel free to contact us if you’d like our team of  Certified Zoho Experts to come by your side and help you build your Zoho Campaigns strategy and then train your team. It is our pleasure to offer services and support that meet your everyday Zoho needs.

zoho vs sage act logo

Zoho CRM vs. ACT!

zoho vs act


zoho vs act

Clash of the Titans: Zoho CRM vs ACT!

Zoho CRM vs ACT: Do you need a full CRM or a simpler Contact Manager?

One of the first issues that small businesses run into when they start to grow is the problem of dealing with the increased data flow.  This is especially apparent when dealing with multiple business apps and departments. One of the most damaging information overloads revolves around your customers.

Business gather customer information in many ways, and use it for product development, social media, sales, billing, and customer service. Making this kind of information available to the right people at all times can be challenging in our very diverse software environments. Your first order of business is to decide if you need a true Customer Relationship Management (CRM) suite or a simple Contact Manager program. Do you need Zoho CRM or ACT! by Sage?  Let’s see how Zoho CRM vs ACT stack up…

zoho vs act

Zoho’s CRM

Zoho CRM is a robust CRM module that can integrate with other platforms; it can also automate workflow. It provides full collaboration ability between multiple departments like accounting, sales, marketing, and customer service to ensure everyone has correct information. As a cloud service, you can access Zoho from anywhere with an internet connection.  This gives Zoho users much more flexibility than they would have while tied to their desktop computer.

Zoho even has email marketing functionality to keep you in contact with your leads automatically. Zoho also provides unparalleled security features, including industry-leading data encryption, field-level security, and security profiles. Zoho’s Google Apps integration also enables even better productivity and access to information for integration and automation. ACT does not have the security parameters of Zoho.  For that reason, we don’t recommend it for organizations with more than five users.

Zoho CRM may be a better fit if you need the following:

  1. Sales – billing and invoicing, mobile access, remote tracking, territory management, workflow rules and management.
  2. Marketing – email marketing, mailing list management, catalog integration of items.
  3. Help Desk – FAQ, forums, knowledge base, online self-serve, recorded demos.
  4. Customer Service – customer service integration and tracking, customization of user interface.
  5. Model and License – SaaS with monthly billing options – 3 user Free Edition – Professional & Enterprise Editions, the number of users that you can add is based on the user licenses purchased.
  6. Security – data encryption, field-level security, create roles and groups, and set up multiple administrative security profiles.
  7. Analytics – Executive dashboards, dashboard customization, forecasting and reporting.
  8. Extra Apps and Add-Ons – Google Apps, Zoho Apps, Microsoft Outlook integration, QuickBooks desktop integration, Zoho Books for light finance, and many other apps.

 zoho vs act

ACT! by Sage CRM

If you run a small business and need constant access to your customer data, ACT’s contact management attributes can save you money while keeping your team up-to-date. With internal memo templates and easy ways to communicate with all sorts of contacts, it makes things much quicker in general. Managers or administrators can pull reports on performance indicators and forecasts by their salespeople.  This, in turn, gives them a better idea of the health of the company in genersal.

ACT also provides another feature not available in most other contact management software; the ability to help manage customer tickets or technical support cases with specific tracking options. This keeps all issues up-to-date and ensures better customer service with accurate tracking. ACT also integrates with Sage products and provides online access but is not as versatile as Zoho. It is also not well suited for mobile device use as is Zoho.

ACT! contact management may be a better fit if you need the following:

  1. Sales – no billing and invoicing – otherwise no obvious differentiation – same available features as Zoho as mentioned above.
  2. Marketing – referral tracking where Zoho does not.
  3. Support – has email and phone capabilities and request forms that Zoho does not.
  4. Model and User License – on premise (not SaaS) with monthly billing option – Windows and MS SQL based database (no for Zoho) – limited to 10 users.
  5. Extra Apps – QuickBooks and Sage 100 integration available.

Why move to Zoho in the cloud?  There are two big reasons

zoho vs act cloud software

Especially as the 21st century moves along, businesses that once used on-premise CRM solutions like Sage ACT find themselves looking for alternatives.  The reasons for this, aside from those aforementioned, are the long-term scalability of a cloud-based solution, as well as security.  The fact that Sage ACT is installed on-premise accounts for both of these reasons.  Relying on a business’s own server to host a CRM and account for changes in users and login locations can (sometimes) render a system unstable.  As well, cloud-based systems are inherently more secure than their on-premise brethren.  They do this by providing an off-site entry point, which means business owners aren’t liable for data breaches, if they occur.

Zoho gives a big advantage with Zoho One

zoho vs act zoho one

In the past couple of years, Zoho has significantly widened their advantage over other CRM apps by providing not only a family of integrated business apps, but offering all of them (over 40 in total) in one software suite called Zoho One.  Zoho One, like all Zoho apps, is cloud-based, and features many integrations with the CRM.  By using Zoho One, you could theoretically run your entire business – as opposed to just your CRM – from Zoho.  This would give your staff and other users a more unified experience.

Ready for some more?

There are many more specific comparisons that can be made between Zoho CRM vs ACT, and these depend on your specific needs as a company, including CRM consulting, CRM training, or support plans. Contact us today and we’ll help you decide which of the two is right for your company.

Zoho CRM Integrations

Zoho CRM Integrations: the way to run your business to its fullest potential

zoho crm integrations

Zoho CRM

If you are researching Zoho CRM integrations, you most likely noticed that there are a lot of options for integrating your CRM with your accounting or ERP system. As you evaluate those options, here are some points to consider while doing your research. It’s always recommended to work with a certified Zoho consultant who can help with your integration after a thorough needs assessment.

1.) Do Not Enter

Why enter customer records if others are willing to do it for you? The best part about CRM integration into company websites, surveys and other apps allows you to collect information from clients by allowing them to enter their own information. It can then be assessed and included into your database. This can save large amounts of time if done properly.

2.) Enter Only Once

If you ever have to enter information more than once, your CRM and ERP integration was done poorly. Moving information or copying it from one program to the next ultimately leads to mistakes through human error. Ensure all new customers and old customers are available to all the stakeholders that require the information, such as marketing, sales, and customer service without having to acquire the information separately.

3.) Let History Repeat

In business, letting your customers repeat their invoicing and sales histories enables sales departments to better understand their client’s sales cycles. Make sure any CRM integration includes these vital areas of information.

4.) Order Processing

Any quote offered to client should be easily transferrable into your ERP system for immediate conversion into an order without extra processing. A simple quote to order process can save billing and sales departments tons of time.

5.) Proper Inventory Numbers

To be effective in selling products, your sales team need inventory information that is accurate and up-to-date on a consistent basis. Quantity of items on hand and their location will help them ensure the quickest delivery from the nearest location, enabling more sales turnovers in the long run.

6.) It Should Save $

The bottom line of a Zoho CRM integration with an ERP is to be able to produce better efficiencies and in the end save the company money in lost productivity. Yet it can also save money by keeping ERP licensing fees to a minimum and allowing those that need information get it through the lesser cost of a CRM.

7.) Let Them Roam

Road service personnel or traveling sales reps often waste time by not being able to place an order on their mobile devices while at the client’s business. Enabling this simple solution can ensure maximum sales and better production by your sales team. CRM integration with mobile capabilities can even allow payment collection on the spot. Ensuring that executives or other employees can work offline and enable syncing when they are back online allows productivity even when traveling or flying.

8.) Easy Returns

Proper CRM integration can make returns management an easy process instead of the logistical nightmare most companies are used to dealing with. Make sure your Zoho CRM can handle return tracking with ease and integrate the process with your ERP.

There are lots of other issues that can arise when implementing and integrating a new CRM system alongside your ERP. Having the right consultant that understands your business processes, asks the rights questions and can guide you to the most effective solutions makes even the implementation easier.

Zoho One: The Ultimate in Zoho integrations

zoho crm integrations zoho one

If there’s one thing Zoho has been doing lately to up the ante, it’s add software to the Zoho “family” of apps.  In 2016, Zoho began to offer all 35 or so apps in one unified package called Zoho One.  Zoho One sets itself apart from most software bundles as it can be had for less than the cost of a Zoho CRM Enterprise license.  Many apps in Zoho One integrate directly with Zoho CRM – for example, Zoho Books for managing finances and light inventory, and Zoho Campaigns for email marketing and analytics.  For companies looking to use Zoho CRM for integrations, or perhaps looking to get all their software under one umbrella, Zoho One is a fine choice.

Want to know more about how Zoho CRM integrations can help you?

Zoho CRM integrations are key to nearly any well-run Zoho system, and it’s not always obvious which way to go with them at first.  But, it’s nothing a consulting session can’t help suss out!  Contact us today to learn how our team of Certified Zoho Consultants can take your Zoho integrations experience to the next level, or, reach out for any CRM training or support questions.  Just use the Contact Us button in the upper right corner of this screen and a ZBrains Zoho consultant will get back to you within 24 hours.


Zoho CRM vs Salesforce — 3 Reasons why Zoho Is The Better Choice

zoho crm vs salesforce

Are you looking into options for adding an online CRM solution for your business? If so, you are most likely looking at Salesforce, along with a few other options. Did you know that Zoho is another leading solution that is just as good (if not better) as Salesforce at a fraction of the cost? When you compare Zoho CRM vs Salesforce, we feel strongly that you will find there are 3 key benefits with Zoho that will help you avoid overpaying for an online CRM solution. Let’s look at these 3 differentiators that will help you decide the winner when it comes to Zoho vs. Salesforce. In our analysis, we will look at:

  1. Overall features
  2. The total cost of ownership
  3. The ability to integrate with your back-office accounting software

Zoho CRM Feature Comparison: Zoho CRM vs Salesforce

Zoho has superior inventory management functionality when compared to Salesforce. Zoho recognizes the importance of your sales team to have real-time access to open quotes, invoices, vendors and products. If you are in Sales, you know that if inventory isn’t available to sell when you need to sell it, then you can’t deliver the sale to the customer as promised. You are also at risk of missing your month end sales goals. The bottom line is: if your product isn’t available to ship then you can’t book it. Zoho CRM gives you instant access to your inventory quantity on-hand and what is available to ship from what warehouse. Visibility into your inventory availability is just one example of how Zoho helps your Sales team gain a competitive edge to meet or beat sales quotas.

Here are a few leading benefits of Zoho CRM:

  • Feature rich set with an intuitive web-based interface
  • Affordable CRM solution at a fraction of the cost
  • Available as an on-demand service accessible from anywhere – including your mobile device
  • Fully customizable user interface to match any organization’s CRM workflow process
  • Export your Zoho data anytime
  • Increase your business productivity by automating key aspects of the customer lifecycle
  • Continuous Zoho product updates without service disruptions and extra costs
  • Dedicated customer support during implementation and deployment
  • Local Zoho CRM certified consultants available for additional training and integration work

Please contact us for a more in-depth feature by feature comparison of Zoho vs. Salesforce.

Zoho Online CRM at a Fraction of the Cost: Zoho CRM vs Salesforce

Zoho Online CRM is 1/5th the cost of Salesforce and has similar features that you would expect from a leading online CRM solution. Salesforce has a big reputation for being one of the market leaders for leading online CRM solution. Did you also know that Salesforce is widely known to be expensive, costly and hard to manage and implement? Zoho’s business model is to provide customers with an affordable, easy to use solution that offers the flexibility to run your business the way you need to run it. Zoho is easily customizable to capture the data you need to help your Sales and Marketing teams increase sales and profitability.

Unlike Salesforce, Zoho’s “pay-as-you-go” model clearly gives customers the flexibility of shorter or longer-term commitments minimizing the risk of being forced to use a system also known as software “vendor lock-in.” This diagram below illustrates how a 5 year investment with Salesforce compares to Zoho CRM. Clearly, the Zoho versions in blue and red are at a fraction of the cost of an investment with Salesforce.

Zoho Online CRM and Accounting System Integration: Zoho CRM vs Salesforce

Are you using QuickBooks? Zoho offers Zoho QuickBooks integration. Our certified Zoho consultants are available to help integrate Zoho with your system. Zoho also integrates with a number of robust Zoho Business Apps and the Zoho Office Suite (Mail, Meeting, Sheet, Writer, etc.). Zoho is available on your mobile device so you can take your data on the road.

Would you like to have a more in-depth comparison of Zoho CRM vs Salesforce? Our experienced, certified Zoho consultants will be happy to help you with your Online CRM selection process. If you already own Zoho, take some time to learn more about our Zoho training options! Zoho Online CRM users can join our monthly classroom training sessions and request individual appointments both on-site and remote via webinar. If you’re just starting out, we suggest attending one of our free monthly webinars. We offer both basic user level and admin training so you can harness the full potential of the software. Remote training of our boot camp as a webinar is also available. Contact us today and let our team of support experts take your Zoho experience to the next level!

ERP Implementation for Manufacturing

Implementing the Best Manufacturing ERP Software: Achieving Excellence

Does your organization use manufacturing ERP software like Oracle, Sage100, or Netsuite? If not, or it’s time for a change, this article is for you.

You already know that manufacturing requires precision in almost every single case. Without your attention to precision, parts from the manufacturing floor will lack quality. Then, your supply chain will be disrupted, and eventually your end customers downstream and profits will suffer. 

For this very reason, it’s quite likely that your manufacturing operation uses and benefits from some type of process management – maybe you’re even using a manufacturing ERP software to keep operations in line.   

But if your process is currently a little soft or ambiguous, consider the losses in productivity and margin that are mounting with every passing day.

Is it time to reign in operations and get control of your business?

We’re here to help you understand how Zoho ERP solutions can be the keystone to smoothly and successfully capturing the details of your manufacturing and/or distribution business. Furthermore, we want to show you how to take advantage of the data you’ll have with a Zoho implementation fit for manufacturing and distribution organizations.

In this article we’ll break down the process of working with ZBrains to implement a software solution that can give organizational visibility, and foster success. Let’s take a closer look at the ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how’ of the importance of Manufacturing ERP software.

What function does Manufacturing ERP software serve?

Keeping operations running smoothly is just one aspect of an ERP, but from the top down, you could say it’s a foremost consideration. This organizational efficiency coupled with the ability to keep your fingers on the pulse of your most important KPI’s is where the true power of ERP software is recognized.

“Manufacturing ERP refers to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and systems used to plan, manage and deliver specific functionalities that support manufacturers and manufacturing business operations.”   –

[caption id="attachment_4950" align="alignright" width="450"]ERP software supports precision in manufacturing Manufacturing requires precision. Without it, product quality suffers, supply chain is disrupted, and customers downstream and profits suffer. [/caption]

What is Business Process Management?

To start – and this is probably already a known for you if you’re in the manufacturing industry – we’re sharing a high-level definition of business process management:

“The Association of Business Process Management Professionals defines BPM as:

Business process management (BPM) is a disciplined approach to identify, design, execute, document, measure, monitor, and control both automated and non-automated business processes to achieve consistent, targeted results aligned with an organization’s strategic goals.” – wikipedia 

What types of problems can good business processes solve?

It’s clear even in this short definition how an accurate, and smartly implemented business process is important. However, now you consider the phases – identify, design, execute, document, measure, monitor, and control – apply them to the departments responsible for each facet in your own organization, and ask:

  • Are you sharing data between departments? Or is it siloed?
  • How many software systems are you using currently? 
  • Is the handoff from one department or process to another seamless?
  • Is some of your information getting lost or not considered at a global level?
  • Can your software solution help you make the most of your available resources?

If you’re considering the progress you could make by implementing solutions for any of the above questions, you’re right on track. 

What are the Benefits Of Standardized Processes?
Here are 8 of them. 

1) Increased productivity is a given. 

Imagine a solution that could speed up order times, allowing you to fulfill faster. Or what if resources spent less time with double-data entry. What would this do to your org’s productivity factor?

2) Standardization equals quality control. 

Standardization makes your business planning more straightforward. Furthermore, the extrapolated benefits include a more streamlined training/onboarding process.

[caption id="attachment_4949" align="alignleft" width="450"]Zoho ERP fosters internal collaboration Transparency in your organization help your teams identify best-in-class best practices, remove redundancies, and share expertise across departments more easily.[/caption]

3) Make internal collaboration simpler.

When an ERP helps to eliminate siloed information, your teams can begin to collaborate on a deeper level. Transparency in your organization helps your teams identify best-in-class best practices, remove redundancies, and share expertise across departments more easily. 

4) You can reduce costs. 

Insight into your manufacturing and distribution data can help you identify and eliminate redundancy, and find areas of material and labor waste.

5) Did you realize you can also gain insight into your customer through analyzing your business processes?  

Find the places where processes might require modifications to better support your customers. As a result, they are more satisfied and you have created return business. And for most businesses, it’s less expensive to keep the customer you have than it is to find a new one.

6) It can help you adapt to changing times.

You don’t have to operate your business on gut feeling, but instead rely on instinct and data together! Plan your changes, implement them, and use metrics you’ve captured to measure the results. Then with the data in mind, create incremental changes toward improvement! All of this is possible with the right manufacturing ERP.

7) Stay ahead of your competition. 

When you are spending less time chasing processes, and more time working, you actually gain productive time. With more productive time, you can focus on the innovations that move your business ahead of your competition. 

8) Utilize a single source of truth for compliance, security, and safety. 

Speaking to many of the points above, standardized processes help in business operations beyond the manufacturing process, and Zoho can help tie everything together with a single source of truth. Solutions from Zoho take pride in security protocols for their softwares, but this translates to your business overall.

Now, if you’ve made it this far, you’re likely a serious candidate for Zoho’s manufacturing ERP solution. And maybe you’re also convinced that ZBrains is the certified Zoho Partner to assist in your implementation. Let’s keep the conversation going!

What is a ZBrains Business Process Analysis for Manufacturing and Distribution ERP solutions from Zoho?

Let’s talk about how an engagement with ZBrains begins – with a Business Process Analysis. We take all the reasoning and research described above, and have applied those same principles to our own assessments. Here’s what that looks like:

This is a BPA with ZBrains

The BPA, or business process analysis, is integral to all ZBrains consulting projects. Just like any other planning effort, it ensures a successful implementation that fits with your business processes.

You also know that the best way to solve a problem is to first fully understand the way a business runs. We start this by analyzing expectations and performance gaps in your business process. Next, we examine your business from the perspective of the world at large. Then, our experts determine what is working, what is not.  Finally, we decide which methods need to be introduced to change the fabric of your company.

We sit with your team to thoroughly review your sales, marketing, operations, and accounting processes to make sure we understand all requirements and current systems. The goal here is to consolidate your business operations into a centralized platform with Zoho as the hub. 

After the BPA, you receive expert recommendations on changes, augmentations or implementations required to meet your goals. We share a timeline, goals, and outline targets. You receive a strategy that can be executed with precision to create a successful business plan for the upcoming quarters and beyond.

This is how we work with Manufacturers and Distributors

Many of our clients are in manufacturing and distribution industries, and our speciality is small to medium businesses, just like yours. Here’s what a Business Process Analysis with ZBrains looks like for you:

We often work with a single champion, normally a President, Vice President, or other C-level representative of the company. And when we begin our intake sessions of a BPA, it’s of the utmost importance to bring in – and hear from – everyone in the organization who will be using the new manufacturing ERP software from Zoho. That includes: Sales and Estimating teams, Production, Inventory Management representatives, and Finance. 

The reason is to ensure that we get a global perspective of the business, and we find that this also encourages user adoption later on!

What information do we gather during a BPA?

During these sessions with each department or team representative, we collect a lot of detailed information about their processes. Discussions with your teams will often include the following:

[caption id="attachment_4951" align="alignright" width="450"]ZBrains BPA for manufacturing ERP Business process analysis is integral to all ZBrains consulting projects, and ensures a successful implementation that fits with your business processes.[/caption]

Sales and Estimating

We ask about your sales process. Then, we look at how your quotes or estimates are created and shared. How are you handling new leads, and how is existing business addressed? How do you measure success? And finally, what are the important KPI’s here?


How do you procure goods? Are you purchasing or manufacturing parts? Do you have composite items and  a need for CPQ? What does is your current process for handling bill of materials, work orders,  and routing? How are you handling time tracking? We also get into your potential needs for planning capacity, batch/lot tracking, and on site maintenance, to name a few.

Inventory Management

We go into detail about your inventory management processes including current and desired states. Do you have multiple warehouses, mobile warehouses? How are you handling order fulfillment? What about installation or service components?


We’ll drill down to completely understand what information is required from your front office to back office. We include review of documents for customers, all the way through to which data is required in order to  generate executive reports. 

Other Integrations

During consultation, we’ll also ask about your current integrations to determine compatibility and to see if any new integrations could benefit your business processes. Some of the Zoho integrations commonly used by manufacturing and distribution organizations include: ShipStation, TaxJar, Avalara, QuickBooks (Online and Desktop), and Xero for example. 

Establishing Budget and Timeline for Manufacturing and Distribution ERP Software Implementation

[caption id="attachment_4952" align="alignleft" width="450"]Zoho ERP for manufacturing SMB Zoho is built and designed for SMB (Small and Medium-Sized Businesses). Lower total cost of ownership and an accessible startup cost make it a clear choice.[/caption]

A large business who is taking on system implementation for major softwares, can often anticipate a six-figure implementation cost, along with another five figures for service costs. And that’s because these softwares are incredibly robust, and very powerful enterprise tools. We understand that for a small or medium business like yours, this is simply out of the question. These projects can be extremely cost prohibitive, and the solutions themselves are more often than not complete overkill in terms of your needs.

  • Not to say you don’t deserve a solution that is also robust in functionality and nuanced for your business, because you do! For SMB’s like you, Zoho is a great solution. 
  • It’s less expensive to implement and has a lower total cost of ownership.
  • Zoho applications are built to suit your business through customization using rapid development platforms like Zoho Creator.
  • Zoho is accessible. They built and designed it with the SMB in mind. Need a custom field? A new report? Drag and drop functions make it easy to use and customize for yourself, all with enterprise functionality. 

In our industry, it’s known that a large portion of technology projects have a low user adoption. Users become bogged down because the projects are overly complicated. When you can build your system to address nuances of your business  – and consider user feedback in the build – you get better user adoption and a higher chance of success. For this reason, and many of the points discussed above, your budget and timeline will depend on the complexity of your requirements and depth of need. 

This is why we utilize the Business Process Analysis. Hopefully, this in depth look at business process management and manufacturing ERP softwares has been useful. If you’re interested in the next steps or have any questions, our Zoho Certified Consultants are ready to help – just get in touch!

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The Process of Improving your Business

Streamlining Your Business: The Process of Continual Improvement

  • The only way to succeed is to put in your time and take your blows.
  • Employees will only work if you crack the whip around them.
  • If you’re leaving less than a cup of coffee, make a new pot or risk certain demise.

What does this have to do with the process of improving your business? Most businesses have maxims they live by – maybe yours is one of those. We all have certain things we harp on each other about, maybe because we know our companies function better when things are done a certain way, maybe just because of personal preference (and, at the end of the day, we all like to be catered to a little bit).

But, when it comes to Zoho CRM, you might be in the dark – especially if you find yourself reading this blog! (There’s no shame in that.)

Here’s another adage for your repertoire: Stick to the process.

You might be nodding your head…or, you might not.

So, what does it mean to stick to the the process of improving your business?

Well, here’s what it DOESN’T mean:

1. Doing the fifteen-step of sales, ops, underwriting, development, accounting, and fulfillment… all in one fell swoop.
2. Going to great lengths to streamline one part of your business while ignoring another part simply because it’s not your area of expertise or you’re getting pushback.
3. Sifting through volumes of abstruse information looking for something that might, just perhaps, be the solution to an equally difficult business problem.

If you weren’t nodding your head before, maybe you are now.

And, if you are… there’s nothing wrong with that.

These are really common problems to have. Running a business isn’t a walk in the park.

However, if you’re using Zoho CRM or Zoho One, you have the tools to help you with problems like those, or at the very least point you in the right direction. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so here’s another maxim, no matter what: Knowledge is power. Without further ado…

Use Zoho to Separate Work Into Departments

If your head is swimming with the scores of complicated (or even mundane) tasks you need to do just to keep your head above water, it probably wasn’t always like that – but, now maybe you’re in a little too deep to come out, stop everything, and figure out how to get your Zoho suite to handle it all.

Rather than perpetuate the cycle of you doing everything yourself, you can take a small step towards improving your lot simply by exploring, turning on, and connecting the various apps in Zoho One to your Zoho CRM:

1. Zoho Projects, great for project-based businesses
2. Zoho Finance Suite, great for any business, even manufacturers and distributors
3. Zoho Desk, great for routing help desk-style inquiries

These apps connect with the CRM in different ways, but all can help you ultimately by conforming to your process if they’re used the right way.

Zoho: Not Just a CRM, and Not Just for Sales

Even after you’ve turned on various Zoho apps, connected them, and even configured them somewhat, there’s no guarantee you’re getting the buy-in you need from your staff, or maybe there’s an area of business you’re letting lag because it isn’t your forte.

If there’s a clear bottleneck in your process, there’s no better solution that using what you already have in Zoho One – a full suite of applications – to solve that problem. For example, if your sales staff has adopted Zoho fully, but operations still tracks their projects on spreadsheets, we recommend introducing Projects at the very least – and perhaps even using the built in custom function (from the Zoho CRM Custom Function Gallery) to create new projects in Zoho Projects when you close deals in Zoho CRM.

Googling: Great for looking up words, terrible for solving complex business process flow problems

When your business’s very success is on the line, the worst thing you can do is continue to spend time doing something that may not necessarily help, like scouring the internet for solutions to issues you have that may be quite complex. Or, worse yet, thinking you’ve found the solution to a problem you have, only to find it isn’t correct because of a simple misunderstanding.

Rather than put yourself through more misery, stick to doing what you do best – running your company – and let Zoho’s built-in AI tell you what you can improve on. Zoho’s AI bot, called Zia, is designed to analyze your daily activities and inform you about where you can possibly save time doing repetitive tasks, as many repetitive tasks can be automated using workflow automation or macros.

Taking Zia’s advice won’t solve the most complex problems, but it will save you valuable time, which could give you just the edge you need to extricate yourself for ten minutes, pick up the phone, and…

Let the Experts Do What They’re Best At

If you’ve already gone through the issues and you’re still stuck behind an insurmountable wall, just remember this. No, not another maxim.

You know your business better than anyone else. We know Zoho just as much. Your best possible version of the Zoho suite is waiting for you somewhere in the middle, and that version of Zoho will be molded, conformed to your processes. Sticking to the process of improving your business might be a good thing to talk about, and it might be something you wish Zoho would help you do. But, with the proper planning, it’s a real possibility. And with expert execution, it can be a reality.

Call ZBrains toll-free and mention QuoteSmarter for a free CRM consultation.

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The ZBrains Fit and Partnership Business Growth with Zoho

The ZBrains Fit – A Partnership Focused On Your Growth

When it comes to choosing a Zoho partner to be your number one resource for all things Zoho, you already know you have options – pages and pages of them, according to Zoho’s list of resellers.  We’re acutely aware of this, and we’re so glad we have your attention right now.  Knowing you have so many options means we’ve had to go to great lengths to differentiate ourselves from other firms – and, having spent nearly six years as a Zoho partner, we can confidently say we offer just the service you need to ensure your success on the platform. Whether it’s a customized consulting session, a made-to-order automated solution, or even an integration to a third-party system, we’re committed to growing your business with Zoho.

Unlock Success with Our Zoho Implementation Partnership

zoho surveyConsulting Services

As a Zoho Premium Partner and Zoho Certified Consultancy, we focus on expertise, impact, and efficiency. We aim to bridge the gap between a business’ needs and available technology solutions, bringing a specialized skill set that enables you to make smart technology investments, improve your practices, and save time and money. Our Business Process Analysis (BPA) aims to increase your company’s efficiency, using the Zoho stack as a framework, and ensure a successful implementation by allowing us to truly understand your sales and operations processes with an in-depth review and analysis. And, with a range of options for your other Zoho needs, we are here to maximize your potential!

zoho surveyZoho ERP

Not all businesses are alike, and this is especially true of manufacturers and distributors. With Zoho ERP software, you’ll be able to customize every aspect order management and vendor tracking with the power of Zoho Creator, as well as generate accurate insight into performance by syncing with inventory and financial data. Zoho ERP is the solution for businesses who are seeking to create efficiency, automate processes, gain insights and more.  Update: Zoho ERP has evolved into the FieldTech suite, which packs all the features above and more.  It’s great for businesses in field services, construction, manufacturing/distribution, and tech/SaaS.

zoho surveyIntegrations and Custom Solutions

We are proud to have a team of developers and strategists who are focused on solving any problem that comes our way.  Having this team in our very own office means we can think of solutions and build them relatively quickly. In fact, this is how we created custom add-ons like our Commission Calculator and our SmartScheduler. We also provide completely customized integrations to programs like QuickBooks Desktop, Online, and Sage Intacct, and we provide even more plugin power for Google Apps, and more.

zoho surveyTeam Training and Support

When it comes to an implementation of any kind, if your staff is not trained on the new software system, they won’t know what to do once the job is over and the consultant is gone. With the ZBrains team, you don’t have to worry about that! We offer training on Zoho applications to ensure that your team has everything it needs to be fully on board. We work with every level of management to ensure success, and even provide annual support plans for that extra push you might need throughout the year.

The ZBrains Team Members Zoho Consulting and Consultants

Want to learn more about us? Check out our one of our case studies here or here to learn about how we’ve helped them or Meet the Team!

Interested in learning more about Zoho? Give us a call at (888) 207-4111 or click the button below and we will contact you!

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Adaptability Ensure Your Business can Grow with CRM Implementation

Adaptability: Ensure Your CRM Implementation Is Not Wasted

If you’re reading this blog, you already know how powerful a CRM implementation can be to your business.  Not only acting as a simple database of contacts, it gives you the power to project future revenue, which can factor into all manner of things related to your business, including whether or not to grow the business – and in which direction.  However, as implementing a CRM can be such a comprehensive process, the stories are many where business owners were severely hampered by a CRM that didn’t turn out to be as adaptable as it seemed, or even more held up when a CRM actually decreased productivity because the staff didn’t know how to use the system or didn’t trust it.  

Sometimes, the CRM itself is indeed to blame for these problems, but more of the time, these failed implementations rest squarely on the shoulders of the deployment team (or lack thereof) doing the work. The solution to the problem, then, seems to be to make sure proper data is conveyed to that deployment team to make sure that a CRM implementation takes every known business situation into account…  But, how can you do that effectively?

Fortunately, at ZBrains, we’ve been down this road and heard this story many a time.  Based on our years of experience, this is what we recommend to make sure your system works just the way you expect it to and doesn’t end up hurting your business or going to waste.

Successful Zoho CRM Implementation: Key Factors:

zoho CRM ImplementationThe Right Fit

First off, ensure the solution is the right fit for your business. It’s important to verify that it has the capabilities to fit into and improve your current processes. Whether it be to match and improve your sales flow or to simplify your email marketing, your chosen solution should encompass all of your business needs. If the CRM implementation can adapt to your business, then your employees can more easily adapt to the implementation.

zoho CRM ImplementationIt Integrates With Your Daily Apps

Don’t divide your business up into different applications. Switching back and forth between tabs can be time-consuming. The business solution that you choose should integrate with your daily apps seamlessly. Being able to integrate with your chosen email client, accounting software, or marketing tools helps a good deal to avoid problems like duplicate or bad data. You can read more about the troubles bad data can cause here.

zoho CRM ImplementationTraining your Staff

Make sure that both you and your team understand how the new CRM implementation will work with your business. Without the team’s understanding, they will not be fully on board with the new solution, or won’t use it properly. When partnering with a consultant for your implementation, ensure that they will also take the time to train you and your staff – because you want your staff confident in the solution once the consultant is gone. Here at ZBrains, we take the time to train your team on the CRM or other Zoho apps, and even work with every level of management to prepare your team even better. Learn more about our CRM consulting services here!

zoho CRM ImplementationEmployee Buy-In

You want your team engaged before, during, and after the implementation process. It’s important to get an employee buy-in through proper training, but you can ease the buy-in process (and indeed we do this with upper management) through something like a Business Process Analysis (BPA), to ensure that everyone is onboard. With a BPA, we interview key personnel to get an idea of what a Zoho implementation will be able to fix and how you’d want to scale the system as you grow.  Then, we deliver the findings to you in a formal document called an Executive Summary.  Positioning Zoho as something that will make life easier always helps with employee buy-in, and the Executive Summary explains and reinforces exactly how that can be done.

When it comes to any new implementations, it is important that your company can adapt to those changes easily. By choosing the right partner and keeping these 4 things in mind, you will be on the road to a successful CRM implementation.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to a member of the ZBrains team today! Give us a call at (888) 207-4111 or click the button below to choose a time that works best for you!

Help! My Confusing CRM is Ruining My Business

zoho crm confusing

Is your CRM too confusing to work with?

If there’s one thing we get a lot of around here, it’s calls about helping people out of a situation where they had a pretty confusing CRM experience, despite a consultant’s best efforts.  Without proper guidance before taking the plunge one way or the other, it’s scarily easy to settle on a product that really doesn’t fit your business at all, and provides a bevy of features and tools that simply go unused.  And, you never even realize there was a problem with how the deployment went until months later, usually.  No good for anyone involved, especially you and your staff.

Canaries in the coal mine

If you just aren’t sure, your business might be suffering from a confusing CRM if you’ve worked with your CRM consultant extensively and still experience things like:

  • Employees not entering data into certain modules because they’re too confusing to access
  • Bills coming in for CRM-related services you never use
  • Employees simply not even logging into the CRM because it isn’t useful
  • Employees telling you explicitly that the CRM is too complicated

zoho crm confusing

If you see any of these happening around your office, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to dump your old, confusing CRM – simply training your employees or downgrading your service could potentially solve all of these problems – but, they could be indicative of more pressing issues.  If one person has trouble with the system, maybe he just needs to be trained better.  But, if your whole team has issues using a particular system, it may be time to rethink things.

How does a confusing CRM affect your business?

zoho crm confusing

It may seem obvious, but without seeing exactly what’s going on, sometimes it’s tough to rationalize switching to a different system.  You might notice these things happening if your CRM is too complex:

  • Inaccurate reports from a lack of data and low user adoption
  • Deals falling through the cracks because of low user adoption
  • Low morale in the office (and, you can poll your team to determine the root of this)

Let these go too long and you have an office that’s really dysfunctional, with bad reporting, fewer than average deals closing, and unhappy employees to boot.

How can you mend a broken CRM?

The good news is there is a solution for companies with CRMs that are too complex.

While Zoho CRM itself won’t tell you how to streamline your business processes – you might enlist the help of a consultant to help with that – it has the tools to give you exactly what you need to do right by your business model.  It could be you need someone to help you tweak things a bit, whether it’s hiding modules or cleaning up unnecessary fields, or records themselves.  Maybe you just need an integration with your accounting platform of choice, such as QuickBooks.

zoho crm confusing

How you can use Zoho CRM to de-clutter your business environment:

It’s no accident that we’re Zoho consultants at ZBrains.  No software is perfect, but Zoho has shown time and time again that it has the user in mind when it releases updates.  Many of those updates are centered around user adoption, so people feel good about logging in every day.  Here are just some things Zoho can do to make your CRM experience less confusing and more gratifying.

  1. Show all the modules you need in your main CRM menu – and, hide the ones you don’t.  This makes things much simpler for employees who only need access to certain modules – why show them information they don’t need?  Modules can be shown or hidden based on permissions settings in Zoho CRM.
  2. Order Zoho apps a la carte and cancel anytime. If you only need Zoho CRM, why pay for an ERP system and a project management tool to go with it?  Buy only the Zoho apps you need, and don’t spend money on services your business won’t benefit from.
  3. Use Zoho CRM tooltips for your more esoteric custom fields.  This is a new feature of the CRM, but it’s just as useful as any other tool.  Tooltips are now programmable for all CRM custom fields – just add your hint, click Save, and your employees will know what kind of info you’re looking for in that field.
  4. Use Zoho CRM Blueprint to tell your sales team how to proceed with a lead or deal.  When you’re slamming the phones and communicating with different departments all day to facilitate sales, it’s easy to get distracted.  Or, your salespeople simply may not know how to proceed in a given situation.  Blueprint helps combat this by giving a “next action” for Leads and Deals module records, so the next course of action is never a head-scratcher.  And, using Blueprint in tandem with Activities and workflow automation make your team even leaner and meaner than ever.

Help is close by

If you need help with the de-cluttering process – or, maybe you just need some training on best practices to push your team gently in the right direction – you can always hire a Zoho consultant.  We know this is no small feat.  At times, it can be all-consuming.  But, you shouldn’t go it alone, especially when your primary job is to run or help run a business.  Let us know how we can help make your CRM less confusing, and we’ll jump right in.

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