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A guy, sitting at his computer, reading about the Zoho Campaigns and Zoho CRM Intergration

Streamline Your Marketing and Sales Efforts with Zoho Campaigns and CRM Integration

The evolution of marketing and business development has grown leaps and bounds over the last few years. As software has offered increasingly more features and benefits, the days of disconnected CRM software and email management systems are over. You can now have information, data, and reporting at your fingertips through multi-platform accessibility. Zoho Campaigns, for one, has not only grown with the evolution – it has led the way in terms of features and functionality. From creating emails with beautiful customizable templates to tracking and reporting what content your prospects are engaging,

Zoho Campaigns allows you massive insights into your email marketing campaigns. Best of all, the integration with Zoho CRM offers unparalleled visibility into those engaged with your content and pipeline.

Here are 4 reasons why you’ll love the power of Zoho Campaigns and CRM integration

1. Reach out to your leads, prospects, and customers with ease.

With Zoho Campaigns and Zoho CRM integration, you can track engagement and email exchanges all-in-one. Your entire marketing team can use Campaigns to send email messaging through a multi-user account, which means that visibility into all activities is second-to-none.

Efficiency is key when it comes to this integration. If you have customer lists in Zoho CRM (of course you do!) you can see these campaign results within each prospect record – so the next time you’re on a sales call, you won’t need to switch between multiple applications to find answers to your prospect’s questions. Everything is in one record through your CRM.

Zoho Campaigns

2. You’ll know how well your campaigns performed against your sales contact list.

When deciding who to actively prospect and who to set aside, for now, the data and subsequent decisions will be right before your eyes. Email marketing provides a detailed look into who’s interested – and who isn’t. After all, for every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 in ROI. Now that’s impressive.

Within Zoho Campaigns, you can also customize your lists to reach the right audience. You can segment your lists based on specific criteria, such as business type. This makes custom, targeted engagement a very simple task.

3. Your data will always be up-to-date.

The advanced sync between Zoho CRM and Zoho Campaigns allows users – you – to maintain up-to-date versions of contact and lead information. When a prospect engages, this data will pull into your CRM. When a prospect opts-out, they will be automatically unsubscribed from your mailing list and you will receive a notification. You won’t be working with old data, meaning quality will be assured every single time.

4. Your sales staff won’t need to toggle between various software.

Your sales staff have other, more important tasks to worry about – like closing deals. That’s why they won’t spend time toggling between various pieces of software. They won’t need to pull open your CRM alongside your email marketing software while trying to make sense of the data. Instead, Zoho Campaigns gives your sales team one unified platform to monitor and provide all of the information in one place, making them more efficient – and closing more deals – in the meantime.

We love the integration between Zoho Campaigns and Zoho CRM – and we are sure you will, too. To learn more about how this will work for your business you can contact us. Or you can enable your team today by signing up for a private Zoho CRM training support session!  Lastly, for even more great, integrated marketing features, we strongly recommend checking out Zoho Marketing Automation, the latest marketing funnel management app from Zoho.

Optimze Your CRM Avoid Bad Data Find Zoho Solutions

Discover Business Operations Solutions with Zoho CRM to Avoid Bad Data

When it comes to optimizing your CRM, having a clean set of data is extremely important. You should ask yourself a few questions: Are your customers receiving duplicate emails? Have multiple sales reps reached out to the same lead? If these sound familiar to you, then you know these situations can cause you to lose both existing and potential customers.

What is the leading cause for mistakes like this? Duplicate or bad data – records with the same email or phone numbers, stored under different names.

Ways Duplicate or Bad Data Affects Your Business Operations Solutions

  • Lower Sales Productivity, Higher Consumption of Resources. Bad data affects everyone from sales to IT. Often, are not made on the spot but instead overlooked in order to complete the task on hand. Once left uncorrected, it can cause a lead to be contacted multiple times, issues to be overlooked, and upset customers.

    Bad or uncorrected data can create a ripple effect within your business – a “Hidden Data Factory”- where knowledge workers waste 50% of their time identifying and trying to correct errors in data. This bad data costs the US economy about $3.1 Trillion Dollars a year. Don’t lose money or allow a hidden data factory to grow within your business.
  • Duplicate Data means Duplicate Emails, Higher Unsubscribe Rates. Bad data can also have a damaging impact on your email marketing campaigns and your reputation. With bad or duplicate data affecting your system, your customers may be receiving duplicate or incorrect emails leading to higher unsubscribe rates.

    While you want to stay at the top of your customers’ minds, you don’t want to bombard them. 48.3% of people who unsubscribe from emails list cite receiving too many emails as the reason. When you customers unsubscribe, you fall off their radar.

A business spends on average about $14 million on data quality. Zoho CRM is able to improve data quality by eliminating duplicate data, because businesses should not spend large amounts of money on maintaining data quality.

How Zoho can help you with your bad data

Zoho CRM solves your data problems 2 ways

  • Zoho CRM Unique Fields.
    Through the layout setting option, you can choose to mark certain fields as unique (name, phone number, etc.). Any time a new record with the same variable in any of those fields is being added to the CRM, a prompt will appear saying that a duplicate is about to be created and the action will not be allowed. This ensures that no duplicates are created in Zoho CRM.
  • De-Duplication option for existing data.
    If you already have duplicates in your data, Zoho CRM has a solution for that as well! The de-duplicate option is present under the “more options” ( the button with three dots) in the Leads, Contacts, Vendors, and Accounts module. You decide upon the fields you wish to check, then an automated de-duplication process will run in the background. It will merge records with completely identical variables in the selected fields. If there is a conflict between the duplicates, you can resolve it and manually merge the records.

Using Zoho CRM’s built-in tools can drastically reduce the number of duplicate records you have in your system – and, using the tools on a schedule is a surefire way to eliminate duplicates entirely. Maintaining good data quality can improve your efficiency, and have a direct impact on your revenue.

If you would like to learn more about how Zoho CRM can optimize your business, reach out to us! At ZBrains, we are proud to be a leader in experience and industry knowledge with Zoho, CRM management, business processes, and integrated solutions.  You never have to feel like you’re alone in the Zoho universe with Zoho-certified consultants around – we’re here with you every step of the way.  Contact us today!

love zoho CRM

Zoho CRM Automation: Reshaping Boomer Business Strategies

baby boomers zoho crm

When it comes to software for your business, the opportunities are endless – from CRM to ERP, accounting software to marketing automation, you’re likely receiving cold calls and email outreach every single day. Yet, when it comes to baby boomers, there is a shift happening – a significant change in their business habits. They are leaving their legacy systems behind. Why? Because they are finding new solutions – practical, efficient, and cost-effective solutions – that they were previously unaware of. And when it comes to CRM solutions, we’re finding the now more than every that baby boomers love Zoho CRM Automation. Of course, we knew they would love what Zoho has to offer – but perhaps you have to hear it (or read it) to believe it yourself.

Embrace the Change: Why Baby Boomers Choose Zoho CRM

1. Because their legacy systems lack efficiency.

It’s not surprising, but it needs to be said. Legacy systems aren’t getting updated as frequently as CRM solutions, like Zoho CRM, are. We are constantly focused on innovative software and updates. We are always introducing new integrations, and we hear you when feedback is expressed.

Here are just a few of the Zoho integrations that we are proud to offer:

2. Legacy systems aren’t always adapted for mobile.

Can you imagine not being able to access your email on your iPhone or Android? It sounds archaic, right?

Now, imagine not being able to access your CRM on mobile. Let’s say you’re on a conference call while traveling, and your client asks for an update on invoice 0001. Imagine having to respond with, “Sorry, Joe – I’ll have to get back to you when I’m in the office on my desktop.”

You won’t run into this problem with Zoho! It’s so important that your desktop and mobile software solutions work in synchrony, and we shouldn’t expect anything less from a CRM.

baby boomers zoho crm

3. They make Millennials skeptical.

By 2025, 3 out of every 4 employees globally will be within the Millennial market. So, we need to pave the way for Millennials to take over – because they will.

Millennials need on-the-go, mobile solutions. They need to have data in the palm of their hand, 24/7. Don’t let your outdated legacy systems drive away Millennials, your future employees.

4. Training and Support are nonexistent.

Legacy solutions lack training and account management representatives – because no one uses them anymore! Innovation is key to new software solutions. Baby boomers are quickly realizing this, and understand the importance of having account management by your side.

Innovation is truly integral to business success. Using software that is efficient and effective for your business means impacting your bottom line and generating ROI for your team. When searching for new software and systems, find a solution that will work with you – helping your company every step of the way.

Curious about how Zoho services and solutions can work for your business? Schedule a consultation with a member of our ZBrains team today!

launch zoho crm

Zoho CRM Tutorial: Launch CRM in 2 Days and Streamline Sales

When hiring a new vendor or signing a contract with a software company, there can be feelings of both excitement and fear – excitement at the opportunity to have such a solution make your life easier, and fear at the concern that launching such a service or platform might take hours upon hours to get off the ground. Well, we’re here to tell you that when it comes to Zoho, you can launch Zoho CRM in as little as two days. Yes, you read that right. Two days.

How can we make this happen? Because here at ZBrains, we have the magic formula to launch your CRM quickly and efficiently – simply because we’ve done it hundreds and hundreds of times for our clients.

Zoho CRM Tutorial: Four Easy Steps to Launch Zoho CRM in Two Days

1. Plan.

During the planning stage, it is important to define your sales and overall business process, with both the data and actions at each stage of your sales process. Your sales manager and lead sales people should know this process like the back of their hand – they just need to put it on paper.

For example, consider the following:

  • What happens when a lead comes through your website?
  • Who should be on the initial introduction call?
  • What are the steps you need to take when a prospect turns into an opportunity or proposal?
  • Who signs off on a won deal?

You certainly have all of this information in your head – your team simply needs to integrate such plans into documents.

2. Specification.

Once you have documented your sales process, you should convert your process into a specification document, which lists each field by module, action, trigger, and user. Start with all the standard fields in Zoho CRM, then add your own custom fields, as well as remove the fields you’re not going to use from your specification document. Go through this process a few times as you’re specifying just to ensure that you haven’t missed a step. It always helps to document in the initial planning and specification stage as much as possible.

3. Build.

Now is the time to build and customize your CRM from your specification document. Granted, if your process involves custom programming, or if you don’t have any of the content, it might take a longer than 2 days to build, but just to get started, 90% of companies do not need custom programming for their sales process.

But that’s just an aside. Building the process and framework typically takes two days alone – and remember, you can always customize as your team learns and adapts the Zoho CRM platform.

Which brings us to…

4. Train.

After the system is actually built, you should conduct a Zoho training session with your users, as well as help them get acquainted with the new system. We always recommend recording training sessions as much as possible, so that your team can go back and re-watch after your official training sessions are held.

If your team is wondering how long an implementation process takes, you can rest knowing that the response is two days. To launch Zoho CRM within this timeframe takes into account that your team has come to the initial planning meeting with an idea of the sales process and other marketing content that is available. All information is good information! We can turn this into actionable strategy and tactics for your team while using Zoho CRM.

Zoho Growth: Why It’s Great for Users

Here’s Why Zoho’s Growth Is Great For Users make the header below not more than 70 characters and don’t include : and !

The year of 2005 saw the first release of Zoho CRM, and it’s no secret that Zoho has grown exponentially over the last few years; with 3500 employees globally and 25 million users on the platform, the once small-yet-mighty CRM has scaled tremendously since inception. Yet, with growth naturally comes questions – is Zoho’s growth an opportunity for users?

The short answer is yes. The explanation is below.

Zoho has paid a great deal of attention to R&D, especially in 2017. The company invests in people, who they consider to be vital as part of the R&D focus. For example, Zoho has a comprehensive program that hires high school students and trains them in what is called Zoho University – in fact, over 15% of their engineers come straight from this program. It fosters community within the business, and trains employees early on in the process – training those employees who will only contribute to the platform and the future ahead.

This fostering of community exemplifies their focus on growth, especially as it steers to 2018 and beyond.

Zoho’s Growth: Empowering Users and Building Confidence

Zoho has a focus on aggressive development horizontally.

Within Zoho CRM, there are a plethora of features that are available to solve key business challenges. From Zoho Sheet and Zoho Creator in 2006 to the expansion of Zoho Notebook, AppCreator, SalesInbox and more into 2016, the company is focused on adding more and scaling further for users. Aggressive development means that you and your company can benefit from everything Zoho has to offer – including the remarkable features that the company is building in R&D.

Growth means that the gap will close between the more “expensive” solutions.

We’ve covered the price point that Zoho boasts – one that is far less expensive than competitors like Salesforce. Yet, growth within this software platform means that the gap will close between features available with Zoho versus features with a competitor like Salesforce.

By this, we mean that Zoho essentially has all of the features and benefits that you need from a CRM (we would argue that the platform offers even more for small and medium businesses than Salesforce does). Growth over the last ten years has meant that features are being introduced at an even quicker pace and greater availability to users.

Speaking of price, it’s like getting a Ferrari for the price of a Honda.

…and who wouldn’t want that?

We all know that Zoho offers a powerful engine for a great price – the Ferrari for the price of a Honda, as we mentioned. That, combined with the ability to scale and grow as more and more users join every single day, it’s clear that Zoho offers a competitive pricing structure for companies.

Zoho employees are global, trained internally, and have a great deal of focus on developing new features around-the-clock. What was once a small platform with a big dream has since become a global business with over 25 million users and 3500 employees. Confidence in Zoho only continues to grow, as Zoho growth in 2017 continues to expand beyond what the company could have ever imagined.

We are proud to work so closely with brands and businesses who are scaling their own companies using Zoho, and we’re excited to see what the next 10 years brings to this software and our clients. To hop on board or to simply learn more, click here to start a conversation with our team.

Zoho CRM

Unlocking the Power of Zoho CRM: Discover the Benefits You Can’t Outgrow

When you are searching for the ideal CRM that will suit your business, there are plenty of criteria that must be considered – such as price point, features and functionality; yet, one point that is not always considered is the ability to scale. Arguably, this is one of the most important criteria points that your team needs to review before signing on the dotted line. Why? Because most businesses want to scale and grow, which means that you need to find a CRM that will scale with you. When it comes to the Zoho CRM, the benefits of this software are many and, rest assured, it’s a CRM that will scale with you and your business.

Unveiling Zoho CRM’s Endless Benefits & Scalability

zoho global

#1. You’ll join the ranks of global brands.

Did you that Zoho is used by the likes of Amazon, Benchmark, Mogl and Selectra?

They all have one thing in common. They’re huge.

All of these brands (and so many more) are massive in nature, and global in business reach. They rely on Zoho, and Zoho has scaled with them along the way.

#2. Zoho add-ons and integrations will expand your team.

There are many integrations that Zoho offers, and many that we offer here at ZBrains. Below are our favorites:

Commission Calculator

This calculator is something we offer here at ZBrains. The calculator helps determine commission calculations, approvals, statements and payroll integration. You can learn more here.

zoho quickbooks integration

QuickBooks integration

Need to update customer purchases, sales orders, invoices and more? Integrating QuickBooks with Zoho CRM allows you to know where your clients are at in every point of the cycle.


The SmartScheduler from ZBrains gives you the ability to search through employee information such as calendar availability, proximity to client, area of expertise, and any other data that can be collected from Zoho. This gives you, the business manager, the ability to set appointments with others in as easy as 1,2,3.

#3. It’ll remind you when your calls and meetings are coming up.

Instead of adding new team members as soon as you see growth occurring, why not consider working smarter? We love the ability to get reminders and make calls with the Zoho CRM. With the Zoho PhoneBridge, you will receive reminders to attend every scheduled call; you can also make calls from the CRM, which means you can stop wasting time by dialing phone numbers.

#4. Automation is key.

Much like working smarter with phone calls, automation will make you work smarter.

You can automate follow-up emails, processes and new meetings. For example, when you finish a call with a prospect, you can automate an email sequence to follow in order to move them further down the funnel, or develop a proposal.

zoho security

#5. New clients and employees mean you need higher security.

As you scale, you need to have the highest level of security with new clients and processes. After all, it’s difficult to scale when security is a challenge.

We’ve written a great blog on the security features of Zoho that we love here at ZBrains.

Zoho is ideal for a team of any size. Though the company focuses on small to medium businesses, should your team expand and revenue explode, Zoho will always be there for you. The benefits are plentiful, and the ability to scale delivers far beyond what other CRMs provide.

To learn more about how Zoho can scale with you, connect with us here.

Why Small Businesses Don’t Need Salesforce: Choosing Zoho CRM

Why Small Businesses Don't Need Salesforce

You’ve been searching review sites and soliciting colleague feedback for weeks. You know your business needs a CRM, but you’re not sure which CRM is best for you. As a small business, you need to have all of the features in place to scale quickly as you grow, and overcome any potential pitfalls, yet you don’t need a price tag that puts into question the ROI for your company. 

Well, you’re in luck. Though we might be biased (surprise, surprise), we’re biased because we know that Zoho works for small businesses just like yours.  We wouldn’t be so passionate about this business if that wasn’t true.

While Salesforce is the number one CRM on the market, at least by market share and revenue, Zoho is truly made for growing companies. Salesforce caters to large, enterprise clients – such as Coca-Cola, ADP and Delta. Zoho, on the other hand, was created for customers who own or are part of small businesses in technology, consulting media, real estate verticals and more. Although the features and benefits are similar, functionality is different when considering Zoho vs Salesforce.

With that said, here’s why small businesses don’t need Salesforce.

Because as a small business, you need a CRM that will scale with you.

As a small business, you do not need hundreds of thousands of contacts in your CRM – yet. That’s like a single bachelor living in a 10,000 square foot mansion. Necessary? No. Nice to have? Perhaps. Yet, the annoyances far outweigh the benefits – more rooms to clean, higher cost of rent, more space for stuff.

Similarly, a CRM that offers too much comes with room to house bad data (after all, if you never reach your ceiling, why would you perform housekeeping tasks on a weekly or monthly basis?), the price tag is outside of what you can actually afford, and the feature-set isn’t what a business like yours needs.

Instead, work with a CRM that can scale with your business – so you can add on those extra rooms as your company expands. Small Businesses Don't Need Salesforce

Because cost is a factor.

Cost is a factor for any business, but even more-so for a small businesses.

Why pay for an enterprise CRM when your needs aren’t that?

Zoho starts at a price that is affordable for even the smallest of independent contractors or businesses. Salesforce, on the other hand, starts at 100% more per user than Zoho’s standard user price. Simply put, when it comes to cost, small businesses don’t need Salesforce, or a similar enterprise-focused CRM.

Features are plentiful within Zoho.

Zoho can record phone numbers, emails, meeting notes, to-do lists, documents, and much more without leaving the system. Similarly, the Zoho Import Wizard, Web Forms, or the Zoho CRM API to easily import contacts from other third-party business applications. The features are plentiful and the opportunities are endless.

The Zoho platform also centralizes all forms of sales info and communications, such as email, phone, SMS, social media, and in-person, into contacts, activity and records.  These features are provided natively in some cases, and in others they exist as Zoho integrations.

Reporting matters.

Zoho provides a comprehensive view of all sales activities, including deal size, lead source, competitor information, and any other metrics you select. In addition, you can collect data and provide reports around sales forecasting, invoice data, and contract management (through digital signatures). Reporting in Zoho is everything, especially as a business grows and scales.

On-the-go is a necessity for small businesses.

Both Salesforce and Zoho offer native mobile apps for Android and iOS devices, which makes on-the-go data and insights so easy to consume. For example, you can update a record or contact through mobile, and view past notes on your iPhone as you’re walking to a meeting with a potential new client. Forget the clunky laptop as you’re in transit.

If you’re an enterprise client or massive business, like the aforementioned Coca-Cola, ADP and Delta, you should consider the features and benefits of both Zoho and Salesforce; yet, if you are a small business that is ready to scale and centralize your communication through a feature-focused CRM, Zoho is for you. This platform will provide everything you need – features, reports and more – with a cost that makes sense for your business. And that’s exactly why small businesses don’t need Salesforce.

Questions about Zoho? Click here to connect with an expert from our ZBrains team.

Zoho’s System Security Capabilities – What You Need To Know

zoho security

When it comes to security with online software, you’ve likely heard it all. “Change your passwords“, says your Information Technology group. “Don’t connect to public Wi-Fi“, your colleagues suggest. Yet, with your CRM – Zoho, specifically – we are lucky that the platform has built-in, ready-made capabilities that will protect you and your business. Particularly, Zoho’s system security capabilities are second-to-none for Tech and Marketing teams alike.

But, why should your business even care about security?

Well, let us tell you a story about a little ol’ company named Sony.

Sony created a globally popular movie, The Interview, featuring Seth Rogan and James Franco. The Interview depicts two friends who run a popular tabloid show; these two friends pitch and land an interview with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. During this time, they are recruited by the CIA to turn their trip into an assassination mission. Naturally, North Korea (in real life) wasn’t impressed with this storyline. As the story goes, hackers who claimed to be from North Korea hacked Sony Corporation in one of the most popular cyberattacks in entertainment. From releasing salaries of Sony’s executives to spoiling the release of upcoming movies, to distributing medical information about Sony employees – the consequences of the hack were felt far and wide.

Yet, it was Sony Corporation who wasn’t prepared, and were completely unaware about what could happen if a company disregards security through online software. Needless to say, Sony changed their practices immediately, and focused on safety and security of their online software.

Now, your business might not be as large as Sony; but the principle remains the same. Safety and security of your online information is integral to the reputation of your business.

So, with that said, if your team uses Zoho, you can sleep well knowing that you are in safe hands with this software. Below, we’ll show you the system security capabilities you need to know, along with where they can be found in Zoho. Some features are through Zoho Vault, the online password manager for teams, and others are built right in Zoho CRM.

Zoho’s Security Capabilities: What You Need to Know
zoho security

1. Zoho securely stores passwords.

Application used: Zoho Vault

Passwords are encrypted with the strongest encryption standard (AES-256), which means that you can securely store passwords through the software without worrying about changing them frequently for safety and security.

There are many password solutions out there – from OnePass to Security Server Online. Yet, many are clunky and – to be quite frank – a pain to use. After all, who wants to log-in to multiple platforms only to reach one?

Zoho’s system security capabilities gives you the ability to securely store passwords should keep your Tech team at rest.

2. Track user actions.

Application used: Zoho CRM, Campaigns and Social 

If your company sends an email, tweet, updates a lead or tracks an opportunity, you want to track who does what, and when. For example, if your Marketing team creates a lead and your Sales Representative needs to know who performed this action, Zoho will tell you. Similarly, if you need to assign or re-distribute a password, your Tech team can see how and when this was done.

Tracking user actions allows your teams to see how and what changes were made, helping identify potential breaches if they are taking place.

3. Passwords are shared securely.

Application used: Zoho Vault

Within your team, you might share passwords through email, text or over the phone. But, you don’t need to worry when it comes to Zoho.*

You can define access privileges through the platform, meaning you can share passwords with team members quickly and easily online.

*PS: Never share private or sensitive information (like passwords) over email! This is integral to Zoho’s system security capabilities. 

zoho security

4. Database security.

Application used: Zoho CRM

Hackers attempting to reach CRM systems and databases happen frequently. Much like the example of Sony Corporation above, it’s important to have security systems and checks in place.

With Zoho’s CRM database, encrypted data (AES-256 bit) is always sent over the internet. In addition, the connection is through SSL. This makes safety and security a priority and focus within Zoho.

5. Control access.

Application used: Zoho Vault

Zoho makes it easy for big teams to securely share passwords and access. Instead of sharing passwords or providing access to 100+ individuals on just that – an individual basis – Zoho allows uses to provide passwords to users and groups in bulk and deny access when a user is removed.

By using Zoho CRM, Campaigns, Vault and more, it’s clear that safety and security is a priority when it comes to this software. Whatever the case might be, and regardless of your company’s industry, security needs to be at the forefront of all business decisions.

Questions about Zoho’s system security capabilities? Connect with us here.

Why You Need a Zoho Sales Qualification Process

Zoho Sales QualificationSo, what is the Zoho Sales Qualification process?

With a Zoho Sales Qualification process, you can avoid deleting “bad leads” or leaving them in the sales cycle, ensuring accurate data and statistics as your pipeline expands within Zoho.

Let’s turn that around – now.

If you can relate with the story above, it’s time to implement the aforementioned sales qualification process.

So, what is the Zoho Sales Qualification process?

This process is, in a nutshell, the steps you can take to ask the right questions of your prospects and determine whether or not they are a good fit for your business. Once you determine whether or not the relationship should continue, the qualification process also continues – qualifying or disqualifying such prospects within your sales funnel. Sales qualification works for business of any size – small, medium to enterprise. After all, 50% of leads are qualified but not yet ready to buy, which means they’re taking up space in your CRM instead of being an accurate representation of who’s ready to sign on the dotted line.

There are four key steps in a Zoho Sales Qualification; this blog will provide an overview of what you need to know to go through the process.

Streamlining Your Workflow for Effective Sales Qualification

Step 1: Identify who your target prospect is.

The first step to any sales cycle is to identify who your target prospect is. By this, we mean that you should look at organization level qualification – qualifying the company. For example, you should look at the following: Zoho Sales Qualification

  1. What is your target territory?
  2. What is your focus industry?
  3. What is your ideal target company size? (either in revenue or employee size)
  4. What is your target persona’s job title? (for example, Communications Director or VP of Sales)

By understanding who your target prospect is, you can accurately perform outreach targeting and understand who should be in your funnel – and who shouldn’t.

Step 2: Determine prospect need.

After the prospect has shown interest in your services or products, such as filling out a form or sending you an email through your website, it is best to hold a discovery call to get to know one another. This is before any other move is made, such as putting together a proposal or turning into an opportunity.

Discovery calls will determine whether the prospect has an immediate need, or a need over the next 6 months. On the discovery call, you can ask the questions above to ensure your prospect is within your target audience. You should also inquire about need, pain points and company information.

Step 3: Qualify the stakeholder.

Once you have determined the prospect’s need, it is time to qualify the stakeholder. This is where the fun begins!

In this step in the process, you determine if the prospect is a decision maker. Ask yourself the question – can they sign on the dotted line? Or do they need a direct manager to do so? Is there anyone else who should be involved?

In this process, it is best to follow the BANT model. This model asks the following questions…

Budget: Is the prospect capable of buying?
Authority: Does your contact have adequate authority to sign off on a purchase?
Need: Does the prospect have a business pain you can solve?
Timeline: When is the prospect planning to buy?

Using proper qualification means you can use Zoho lead scoring to give your leads actual numerical scores, which makes the distinction between qualified and unqualified easy if you’re just looking at passing a threshold.  (Lead scoring assigns a point value to things like the usual BANT qualifiers, plus other metrics that you set.)

Step 4: Know when to disqualify.

Once you have gone through the BANT model, it is time to determine if you need to qualify or disqualify. Remember – disqualification isn’t bad! It keeps your Zoho CRM clean and with accurate data.

This makes it so you can disqualify based on asking wto simple questions:

  1. If the company is not going to purchase your services because of budget, territory, lack of business pain, etc. – it is best to disqualify.
  2. If there is an opportunity to purchase services, qualify – and nurture.

Remember – it doesn’t hurt to keep your prospects in a nurturing sequence within your email software. A prospect that is disqualified today might be ready to purchase in 6 to 12 months, and by keeping your prospects in nurturing, you’ll be top of mind when the time is right.

Questions about how to qualify prospects through the Zoho CRM? Click here and we’ll be happy to help you with Zoho Sales Qualification, Zoho implementation consulting, or anything else related to Zoho.

Zoho CRM & Slack Integration: A Must-Have for Boosting Productivity

Slack Integration With Zoho

When it comes to working more efficiently and closing bigger deals for your business, there’s no doubt that having a CRM for your team is essential. Yet, many companies go a few steps beyond exclusively using a CRM, and also include integrations and add-ons to scale their efficiency. One of our favorite third party tools to use with a CRM is Slack integration with Zoho. Slack is a user-focused productivity tool that allows you to chat with your colleagues, share files, start video and audio calls, and hold virtual stand-up meetings while you’re at it. The platform was initially created as an alternative to email (gasp! right?) and many companies have adopted this service in place of internal email communications. Slack is available for users as a stand-alone app for desktop, mobile and tablet, enabling users to stay connected and productive wherever they are.

What is Zoho CRM Slack Integration?

Zoho CRM, a popular customer relationship management tool, empowers businesses to efficiently manage leads, contacts, and sales processes. In contrast, Slack, a leading team collaboration platform, is renowned for its real-time messaging capabilities. Integrating these two powerful tools creates a synergy that enhances your team’s productivity and decision-making.

So, what does Slack have to do with Zoho? 

Well, as we teased, Slack integration with Zoho is available to use with all package options of this CRM. But what does this mean, you ask? For effective team communication, Zoho has integrated Slack into Zoho projects, meaning that you and your team can push project updates to Slack feeds and mange your project activities through the platform. For example, you can group project activities and conversations in Slack so your team will always be aware of status updates and progress.

Setting-up your integration with Zoho and Slack is super easy (Zoho has a great how-to here). From a high level perspective (TL;DR), here’s our Top 3 favorite things you’ll love about Zoho and Slack integration:

  1. You can share data records with with user and channels in Slack. All you need to do is click on the record you want to share (within Zoho), and press “Share via Slack”. This will give your colleagues a business card view, making it easy to chat about users and records within one platform.
  2. You can share reports within Slack, such as revenue breakdown, leads overviews, and much, much more. Again, this saves users from flipping between dashboards and programs.
  3. Need updates or reminders on leads, prospects or closed opportunities? Slack will do just the trick. You can add instant notifications to Slack so, for example, if a prospect engages with your website and you want to send an email to them within 24 hours, you’ll receive a Slack notification to do just the thing.

Key Benefits of Zoho CRM Slack Integration

1. Real-Time Updates
One standout feature of this integration is that it delivers real-time updates from Zoho CRM directly within your Slack channels. Consequently, your sales team can stay promptly informed about leads, deals, and customer interactions without the need to switch between multiple applications.

2. Improved Visibility
Zoho CRM Slack integration offers enhanced visibility to every team member. Sales representatives can effortlessly access customer information, deal progress, and contact details using Slack slash commands. This heightened visibility ensures that everyone operates from the same playbook, making collaboration more efficient and effective.

3. Seamless Communication
Effective communication lies at the core of successful teamwork. Zoho CRM Slack integration promotes smooth communication by enabling team members to discuss specific leads or deals in dedicated channels. This eliminates the need for lengthy email threads and ensures that relevant discussions are readily accessible.

4. Customization and Alerts
Customizing the integration to align with your team’s specific needs is straightforward. You can configure custom alerts and notifications in Slack, ensuring that you receive instant alerts when specific CRM events occur. For instance, you can be notified when a high-priority lead enters the CRM or when a deal reaches a critical stage.

How to Set Up Zoho CRM Slack Integration

Setting up the integration between Zoho CRM and Slack is a simple process:

  1. Access Zoho CRM: Log in to your Zoho CRM account.
  2. Navigate to Integrations: Within the settings menu, locate and select “Integrations & Add-ons.”
  3. Select Slack: Choose the Slack integration option.
  4. Authenticate: Follow the on-screen prompts to authenticate your Slack account.
  5. Customize: Tailor the integration to your requirements by specifying the Slack channels where you want CRM updates to appear.
  6. Save: Save your settings, and you’re ready to go!

Curious About Slack Integration with Zoho? 5 Compelling Reasons:

#1: It strengthens team communication.

It’s so easy to talk and communicate on Slack, there’s little wonder as to why team communication is strengthened with this platform. Not only can you text 1:1 or in groups, you can also start video and audio messaging.

For those of us who love to communicate through emoticons, Slack has a very Facebook-like “reactions” tool that enables users to react to messages with emoticon-like symbols.

There are also mobile and desktop notifications, which are not invasive as users enable their own settings. For example, you can be notified if there is any activity in a certain project you are following, or you can turn off notifications all-together after a certain time. Users can turn off notifications after 6PM on weekdays, or be completely silent on weekends. Only check at your leisure, and when you need. Slack Integration With Zoho

#2: Increase the speed of your sales cycle.

Everyone loves the idea of closing deals faster, right? Right.

With Slack, you can see when your colleagues are online and get answers to your questions immediately. For example, if you are on a sales pitch call and your prospect is asking you for a case study within a certain industry, you can message Jane who is online and ask for a brief overview while you are holding the call. Your prospects will be impressed, and it’ll save you time in following-up via email, increasing the speed of your sales cycle.

Integration with Zoho also means that you can pull in any conversations around deals and topics to CRM, which will give you greater visibility into the progress of certain deals, or any areas that are facing challenges within the process.

#3: Save time in your day.

What’s the point of third party integration if doesn’t save you time and efficiency in your day, right?

With Slack integration, you can push your project updates to Slack feeds so you won’t have to check multiple sources for project timelines or sales contact information. You won’t need to update multiple forms, CSVs or CRM. Focus on closing deals instead of performing administrative tasks.

Speaking of administrative tasks, Zoho Books is another tool that connects with Zoho CRM. This integration gives you flexibility for things like syncing your customers’ contact and account information to viewing generated invoices. It makes your life easier – and saves so much more time in your day.

#4. You can work from anywhere.

Slack Integration With ZohoFrom an employee perspective, productivity is higher when working remotely versus strictly being tied to an office. Employees are statistically happier when they have work/life balance, which means they will be more loyal to your company, your department and your team.

Using Slack integration with Zoho, you can truly work anywhere. You do not need to be glued to the office and your chair to make updates to Zoho – simply use the Slack app and Zoho, and your leads will update in synchrony.

#5. Save time in meetings.

Meetings. Ugh.

Meetings are a necessity for external communication and sales funnels; however, internal teams can drastically save time with various integrations when it comes to internal meetings. For example, you can host stand-up meetings with Slack third party tools, like GeekBot, a meeting tool that allows you to hold update meetings through text in real-time. Or, you can set a requirement to have daily huddles and updates in project groups with quick written updates, instead of bringing your team together in-synchrony and in-person.

Use Cases of Zoho CRM Slack Integration

  1. Sales Teams

This integration offers immense benefits to sales teams. They can receive notifications about new leads, deal updates, and even collaborate on strategies and client interactions in dedicated Slack channels. This streamlines the sales process, leading to quicker deal closures.

  1. Customer Support

For customer support teams, having access to CRM data within Slack allows them to provide more personalized assistance. They can swiftly retrieve customer information, purchase history, and past interactions, resulting in faster issue resolution and improved customer satisfaction.

  1. Marketing Collaboration

Marketers can leverage the integration to monitor lead and campaign progress. By receiving updates directly in Slack, marketing teams can adjust their strategies in real time, ensuring alignment with sales efforts.

Embrace Slack CRM Integration for Streamlined Operations

  • Enhanced Communication and Collaboration:
    By integrating Slack with a CRM system, businesses can foster seamless communication and collaboration among team members. The integration allows real-time updates and notifications about customer interactions, sales opportunities, and support tickets, ensuring that relevant information is readily available to the right people. With the ability to share CRM data and insights within Slack channels, teams can collaborate more effectively, resolve customer issues promptly, and coordinate sales efforts efficiently.
  • Streamlined Workflows and Improved Efficiency:
    Slack CRM integration enables teams to automate manual processes, eliminating the need for switching between multiple platforms. By consolidating CRM data and communication channels in one place, employees can access vital information, update records, and take necessary actions without leaving Slack. This streamlines workflows, reduces administrative overhead, and empowers employees to work more efficiently. Time spent on data entry, searching for information, or toggling between applications is significantly reduced, allowing teams to focus on high-value tasks.
  • Real-Time Customer Insights:
    Integrating Slack with a CRM system provides teams with real-time customer insights directly within their communication platform. When a new lead is generated, a deal is closed, or a support ticket is resolved, relevant notifications can be sent to designated Slack channels. This ensures that all team members stay informed about crucial customer interactions, enabling them to provide personalized and timely responses. Real-time insights help sales teams identify opportunities, marketing teams tailor campaigns, and support teams address customer needs promptly, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased revenue.
  • Improved Visibility and Accountability:
    With Slack CRM integration, managers and team leaders gain enhanced visibility into their team’s activities and performance. By integrating CRM data into Slack channels, managers can monitor progress, track key metrics, and assess team productivity. This visibility promotes accountability, allows for timely interventions, and enables data-driven decision-making. Managers can identify bottlenecks, address challenges, and provide timely guidance to ensure that sales and customer support activities align with organizational goals.


In today’s interconnected business landscape, integrating Slack with CRM systems is a crucial step towards fostering efficient communication, collaboration, and productivity. By harnessing the power of Slack CRM integration, businesses can enhance their workflows, gain real-time insights, and improve customer experiences. Embracing this must-have integration empowers organizations to stay competitive, drive growth, and unlock the full potential of their CRM systems in the digital age.

When it comes to Slack integration with Zoho, there are so many benefits to connecting your CRM with this productivity tool. Not only will it help you communicate more efficiently and effectively, it will help you save time and stay connected as a cohesive team.

If you have a question about the Slack integration with Zoho, a different Zoho integration, or just have a question about implementation or consulting, we’d love to hear from you.  Contact us today to schedule a short chat with one of our Zoho certified consultants.

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